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Can Eating Fruits and Vegetables Make You Happier?

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It’s no surprise that fruits and vegetables are a key component of a healthy diet. After all, they’re recommended first in nearly any diet and toted for their anti-inflammatory properties, superior nutrition content, and vibrant color. Yet still, many Americans aren’t eating more than one to two servings per day

What if we told you that fruits and vegetables are two food groups that may impact more than just physical health?

The latest research has found promising connections between produce consumption and improvements in mental health. It’s no wonder they’re known as superfoods!

What Does the Research Say?

A study in England surveyed about 14,000 adults to evaluate how health behaviors impacted mental health status. Individuals who consistently consumed higher amounts of fruits and vegetables reported the highest mental health scores. This study proved that consuming at least three servings or greater than five servings per day may be beneficial for overall health.

A systematic review analyzed observational studies to find the association between fruit and vegetable intake and mental health status in adults. The results indicated that a higher intake of fruits and vegetables promoted higher levels of optimism and self-efficacy. It also found lower levels of psychological distress and depressive symptoms with higher fruit and vegetable intake. Berries, citrus, and green leafy vegetables were among some of the specific produce items mentioned. All the more reason to fill your plate with these nourishing foods.

4 Tips to Easily Increase Your Fruit and Vegetable Servings

  1. Assess Current Diet.  First, review your current diet to get a better understanding of your typical consumption.  Next, aim for at least one serving at each meal. Once you feel comfortable at that amount, work on adding both a fruit and vegetable at each meal or weave them into snacks.  According to Harvard Health, three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit each day is the perfect amount to strive for in a healthy diet.
  2. Mix it up. Picture yourself standing in the produce section at the grocery store. What do you see? A rainbow of colors! On average, a grocery store carries over 200 varieties of fruits and vegetables in their fresh produce sections.  Use the variety to avoid boredom or burnout.  Aim to rotate your fruits and vegetables each shopping trip. For inspiration, you could explore what’s on sale or what’s seasonal.
  3. Eat The Rainbow.  Another reason to rotate your produce selection is to capitalize on those phytonutrients also known as the pigments of fruits and vegetables.  Challenge yourself to eat the rainbow by purchasing choices in every color each week.  And yes, white and brown have benefits too!
  4. Make It Easy.  What makes it hard to eat fruits and vegetables?  Overcome these barriers by zeroing in on the reasons (texture? convenience?) and try brainstorming an updated solution for each.  For example, if “convenience” is a reason, think about what you can do to make eating fruits and vegetables easier than you’ve made it in the past.  Some of our favorite ideas: Utilize fresh, frozen, dried, baked, or canned fruit and vegetable options.  Consider the additional spend on pre-chopped versions if you don’t have time to do it yourself.  Prep the produce when you get home for the grocery so it’s ready to eat when your hunger strikes later of you’re cooking and want to add vegetables to the meal. The key is to find solutions that work for you and meet you where you’re at. 

The Bottom Line

Fruits and vegetables are beneficial for our physical health as well as our mental health. Aim to make them a priority in your eating patterns by striving for at least five servings every day – and it’s ok to start small and work your way up.

Anna Smith, MS, RDN, LDN

Meet Anna, a Nashville-based registered dietitian on a mission to make healthy eating easier. Her upbeat and encouraging guidance simplifies complex nutrition concepts into practical, easy-to-follow tips to inspire a happier, healthier you.

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