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How to Build a Healthy Charcuterie Board

Charcuterie and cheese board. Assortment of appetizers or antipasti. Top view.Continue reading Charcuterie and cheese board.

It seems like events aren’t complete without a good ole’ Charcuterie board.  Thanks to social media, these meat and cheese boards have become extremely popular. Just how popular?  Search #charcuterie on Instagram, and you’ll find over 2.1 million user posts.  And that’s only one social media platform. 

The best part about these boards, in our opinion, is the ease of customization. We’re challenging you to put a healthy spin on your next board with these easy tips. Keep reading to learn how to build your very own healthy charcuterie board.


Charcuterie, pronounced shahr-kyu-tuh-ree is a French term dedicated to a branch of cooking devoted to prepared meats.  Most often, boards are filled with cured meats like salami, pepperoni, prosciutto, or sausage.  Unfortunately, these meats don’t get the best reputation for health.  MD Anderson talks more in detail here, but the general consensus is to limit the portions of processed meat to optimize health.  

It’s best to search for deli meats that are free of artificial colorings and flavorings.  In addition, deli meats are often loaded with salt.  Take the time to compare brands and select the option with the lower sodium content.  It’s likely that the meat will still be considered a high-sodium food, but reducing any sodium in your diet is beneficial.

When displaying the meat on your board, feel free to get creative.  You can even display it in the shape of a rose with the help of a wine glass.  Stary by taking your wine glass and folding a slice of salami over the rim.  Use about four pieces of salami to completely cover the rim.  Then continue placing the salami around the rim for at least one additional layer.  (You can continue with as many layers as you’d like.)  When you’re done, flip the glass over onto your charcuterie board, and voila – a rose!  If you need a visual here’s a youtube video to watch.


Some may argue that cheese is the best part!  We love the diversity of cheese.  By some estimates, there are over 1800 varieties of cheese in the world.  These vary by milk, region, age, texture, flavor, and preparation.  

For a charcuterie board, we recommend including at least two varieties that vary in texture, flavor, and color.

When selecting a healthier cheese, opt to include at least one that is lower in salt, like swiss, parmesan, fresh mozzarella, or Monterrey Jack.  Goat cheese may be another good offering, as some with lactose intolerance note that this variety is better tolerated.  Lastly, explore vegan cheeses, usually made from nuts, for a plant-based option containing no saturated fat.  

Other fun cheeses to include are those mixed with fruit, herbs, black pepper, spicy peppers, or even seasonal varieties.


Not only do vegetables add a fun pop of color, but they also boost the vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content of your appetizer.  Vegetables can fit the theme of your gathering, like a festive red and green around the holidays, or simply give a rainbow effect by including all colors. Raw vegetables are often easiest as many come presliced, but to add some different elements try incorporating roasted, marinated, or pickled options.  

Our favorites:

  • Mini Bell Peppers
  • Roasted Red Peppers
  • Persian Cucumbers
  • Rainbow Carrots
  • Jicama Sticks
  • Pea Pods
  • Celery
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Marinated Artichokes
  • Roasted Green Beans
  • Pickled Okra


Fruit provides additional color as well as a good balance of natural sweetness.  Just like vegetables, it helps to boost the nutrition profile due to its vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content.  We recommend including different sizes and a combination of fresh and dried offerings.  For dried fruit, be sure to read the ingredients list carefully to avoid added oils and sugars.  Ideally, you want the dried fruit to contain only one ingredient – the fruit.

Our favorites:

  • Pomegranate Abrils
  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Nectarines
  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Green Grapes
  • Figs
  • Dried Apricots
  • Dried Blueberries

Healthy Fats

If you’ve been around awhile, then you know we are big fans of healthy fats.  Pitted olives, Marcona almonds, and walnuts are our top picks to include, but feel free to add whatever you like.

Dips And Spreads

If you have extra space including at least one dip or spread is a nice touch.  Store-bought varieties work fine.  

In fact, we love a good grocery store hummus.  Plain hummus is a total classic, but if you’re searching for something more fun then check out Lantana’s carrot sriracha or yellow lentil hummus.  Another great option is the Boar’s Head dessert hummus that’ll pair nicely with the fruit.  

For a healthier ranch dip, try making it with Greek yogurt instead of sour cream to boost the protein and reduce the fat.  

Babaganoush is another favorite dip of ours.  This recipe from our blog is made using only five ingredients.


Once you have all the yummy ingredients on that board, it’s time to round it out with a crunch factor aka the cracker.  

For healthier options, try searching for higher fiber crackers made of whole grains, flax, or chia seeds.  An easy whole grain cracker to pick up is the Triscuit.  They even make a hint of salt version that’s low in sodium.  

For a crunchier cracker, try a nut thin or rice cracker.  These are also Gluten-free which might be beneficial for some of your guests.  

Lastly, if you include any type of chip be sure to select options that are baked or popped instead of fried to benefit your heart health.  A pita chip is one example.

The Bottom Line

Charcuterie boards are perfect for any occasion, but especially around the holidays.  The best part?  There are no rules so let your creativity shine and use what you have or discover something new at the store.  

To keep it a healthier board, opt for more fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and whole grains.  Try to limit the amount of salt in your store-bought products, if possible.  

We can’t wait to see what boards you all come up with.  Let us know below what you love including on your charcuterie board.

Anna Smith, MS, RDN, LDN

Meet Anna, a Nashville-based registered dietitian on a mission to make healthy eating easier. Her upbeat and encouraging guidance simplifies complex nutrition concepts into practical, easy-to-follow tips to inspire a happier, healthier you.

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