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How to Manage Food Anxiety and Stress When You’re Stuck in the House

As we all implement social distancing practices into our lives, naturally we are finding ourselves stuck at home more frequently than ever.  

This temporary isolation and new “normal” way of life is certain to disrupt our regular mealtimes and eating habits. 

Rising unemployment, workload reductions, and simple job security concerns have resulted in many people tightening their food budgets. 

And for those with food insecurities, seeing the vast empty shelves at the grocery stores can generate a strong emotional response and induce anxiety. 

For others, you may just be having a difficult time getting to grocery stores or finding all of the foods you typically enjoy.  

Overall, the collective fear of the unknown currently facing our society elicits stress, anxiety, and general unease which in turn creates an urge to seek comfort in food. 

If you have seen an increase in your eating due to these feelings or, conversely, find that you have a reduced appetite then know you are not alone and be forgiving to yourself. 

Here are some of my top tips for helping reduce stress eating when you’re stuck at home. 

Tips for reducing “stress eating”:

1. Create a loose eating schedule based on your new routine.

If you do not have a routine, create one. 

Most people feel better when they are going to bed and waking up at consistent times, eating regular meals and snacks, and getting a steady dose of exercise. 

Plus, recurring issues like night time snacking or binging can be resolved by eating regular meals and snacks throughout the day. 

2. Create a schedule that allows for self-care.  

I recognize how challenging it is trying to manage fifty different tasks at home right now (especially if you have kids), but when we make it a point to take care of ourselves our productivity and happiness will increase.  

This also includes sleep. 

I’ve found that the importance of sleep is undervalued by many people and it’s vitally important to reduce stress levels, decrease cravings and maintain positive mental health.

3. Set a definitive time to close the kitchen. 

If you are prone to night time snack, it’s helpful to have a firm deadline for when the kitchen is closed for the evening.  

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t eat if you are genuinely hungry. Use this time to get more in tune with your hunger and fullness cues.

If you tend to snack regardless of hunger, I have some tips below on ways to soothe without food. 

4. Give yourself more grace right now. 

The reason we cope with food is that it stimulates the reward centers of our brains and makes us feel better, albeit temporarily.  

Food is easily accessible in your home and instantly fills that need for comfort in the moment. 

However, the problem with using food to soothe your feelings and emotions is that, over time, it naturally creates unwanted side effects and habits. 

It is ok to feel the effects of this turbulent time and I understand the world feels like it is literally changing every day. 

It can be challenging and exhausting to keep up so let’s give ourselves more grace as we navigate what lies ahead. And if you slip, practice self-forgiveness and learn from it going forward.

Ways to soothe without food:

  • Listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks.
  • Read a book. Sometimes all we need is a distraction in the form of a good book.
  • Take a bath. The Japanese believe that a hot bath cleanses the body and mind. This is an easy method of self-care we can do in the comfort of our own homes and will release “feel-good” endorphins while alleviating stress.
  • Call or video chat with a friend or family member. Practicing social distancing can be lonely. Try to maintain emotional connections with your loved ones in order to avoid feelings of isolation.
  • Meditate.  You can use guided meditation or turn on a timer, sit in a quiet place, and find your zen.
  • Practice square breathing. To do this: breath in deeply and slowly while counting to four, hold the breath in while counting to four, release the breath slowly while counting to four, and hold the empty space while counting to four. Repeat.
  • Walk or exercise.  Exercise can do amazing things for you in times of stress. Physical activity will decrease stress hormones while simultaneously increasing our positive neurochemicals. Exercising outside in the sunshine gives the bonus of being out in nature and soaking up some vitamin D. Click here for an indoor workout.
  • Yoga.  The stretching movements paired with controlled breathing will help reduce tension and center you.  Namaste!
  • Journaling.  Journaling is a great activity to purge negative thoughts or better understand deep-rooted feelings. Just the act of writing your thoughts down on paper will declutter your mind and provide relief.
  • Laughing. Laughter therapy is no joke. Laughing can help you to immediately reduce your stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine while also stimulating the reward system parts of our brain. 
  • Taking a nap.  Sometimes a little power nap is all that we need.
  • Making your space more pleasant or organized.  Organizing, cleaning, and decluttering our personal space can beautify our environment and simultaneously reduce the chaos in our brains.

The Bottom Line

This list represents only a small selection of effective techniques available. I encourage you to make your own personal list and identify what truly soothes you so that you can engage in those healthy behaviors.  

You can also use the notes feature in Lose It! to record your emotions when eating. This can help identify times when you may be eating due to stress or boredom.

What are some of your favorite ways to soothe without food?

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