Comments on: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss Eat smart. Live better. Fri, 17 Jan 2025 02:55:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alejandro Bueno Sun, 17 Mar 2019 01:00:41 +0000 I really liked your post, especially the history of disordered eating, I’m going to agree with what I’m doing to improve even more my results

By: Shak Gohir Mon, 04 Feb 2019 18:45:45 +0000 Examine Autophagy, which is the mechanism that controls important physiological functions where cellular components need to be degraded and recycled. This mechanism triggered during fasting. The Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi for the discovery of the detail processes involved. Cells use autophagy to eliminate damaged proteins and organelles, a quality control mechanism that is critical for counteracting the negative consequences of ageing. Disrupted autophagy has been linked to Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes and other disorders that appear in the elderly. Disturbances in the autophagic machinery have also been linked to cancer.

By: James McCabe Fri, 07 Sep 2018 18:22:06 +0000 I’m currently following a ketogenic diet. I sort of just fell into Intermittent fasting automatically due to the lack of hunger. So my day is an 18:6 IF. I found that incorporating IF into my diet has accelerated the fat loss. Some days, I wind up with OMAD (One Meal a Day). However, the Protein requirements are always met! Cronometer helps to keep everything in check as I monitor my progress.

By: RUTH KENRICK-SMITH Sat, 30 Jun 2018 02:15:10 +0000 Just a typo: it’s piqued, not peaked in this context.

By: Susan Macfarlane Fri, 08 Jun 2018 12:48:32 +0000 Hi Danny,

The research hasn’t shown a benefit of one regime over the other… I think it should be whichever one works best with your lifestyle.

Regarding keto and IF, it’s probably better to implement IF once you are eating a more relaxed keto diet. There is a concern that IF + keto can result in significant muscle wasting and weakness if combined together.

Kind regards,

Susan Macfarlane, MScA, RD
Registered Dietitian

By: Steve Wed, 06 Jun 2018 10:07:19 +0000 Please examine the various studies, published by True North Health Center in Santa Rosa, California, such as one published in the British Medical Journal, on water-only fasting on Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. And see studies by Valter Longo, of USC, on long term fasting.

By: Danny, cronometer gold member Tue, 05 Jun 2018 14:21:50 +0000 Did you find any clear advantages/disadvantages between the various fasting protocols, or is it really just whatever one personally finds works best for them? I’m esp. interested in if you think there is a specific order in which one should try them out in combo with rigorous keto.
