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4 Hacks to Make Your Meals More Satisfying

Consuming fewer calories than you’re accustomed to eating may leave you hungry within minutes. But what if you know you’ve consumed adequate calories and are still not feeling satiated? If you have ever experienced hunger on this level, understand that this is not a strange phenomenon. There may be some things you need to change in your diet and/or lifestyle. Keep reading to discover how to feel fuller from your meals, according to a registered dietitian nutritionist.

1. Focus On Fat, Fiber, Protein

Together, fat, fiber, and protein are what I like to call “the great triad.” When eating a meal or having a snack, focus on combining all three of these nutrients to help you keep hunger at bay. Each nutrient plays an important role in satiety— let’s take a look: 

  • Fiber: Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested. This means it moves slowly through your digestive system and helps you to stay full for a more extended time. Choose a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes to up your fiber intake at any meal or snack. 
  • Fat: Fat is an essential nutrient that not only helps keep us satiated but can give the body energy, protect internal organs, and play a role in hormone health. It also can help us to absorb specific vitamins. When choosing fats, consider embracing healthy fats as found in nuts, avocados, and fish, as well as olive, grapeseed, and soybean oils. 
  • Protein: Protein is a popular nutrient known to help build muscle. Since protein takes longer to digest, protein-rich foods may satisfy you more than high-carbohydrate or high-fat foods. Chicken, beef, fish, nuts, seeds, and dairy products are foods that contain higher amounts of protein.

2. Meal Sequencing Matters

Meal sequencing refers to the order in which you eat protein, carbohydrates, and fat. If you like to eat your carbs before your protein, consider this: A 2020 study found that consuming protein and/or fats before carbohydrates increases GLP-1, a hormone known to suppress appetite and reduce overall food intake. 

When you add fiber into the mix, you have similar results. A small randomized study from 2019 found that consuming fiber, protein, and carbohydrates also increased GLP-1 response. 

So consuming protein, fat, and fiber before carbohydrates may delay the time it takes for food to empty from the stomach and keep you full for longer. 

3. Hydration is a Must

Sometimes, feelings of thirst may be mistaken for hunger. If you know you consumed an adequate amount of calories and are still not feeling satiated, consider drinking a cup of water. The human body is composed of up to 60% water, so staying adequately hydrated may take away the confusion surrounding actual hunger versus thirst. 

Your sex, age, diet, and environment may alter your hydration status. As a general rule, aim for 8, eight-ounce cups of water on a daily basis.

If you have difficulty increasing your water intake, check out these Lose It! articles:

4. Get Adequate Rest

Sleep, or the lack thereof, can impact satiety. According to the Sleep Foundation, when you’re asleep, the body produces more leptin, a hormone that suppresses your appetite, while reducing ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates your appetite. If you are sleep deprived, the reverse occurs. Your body produces less leptin and more ghrelin. Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night to decrease your appetite and improve your overall satiety.

Related Reading: 3 Foods for Better Sleep

Did you know Lose It! offers a feature called nutrition strategies?

They are curated by our dietitians to guide you toward nutritious eating, whatever your dietary preferences may be. If you’re interested in keeping hunger at bay or increasing your protein and fiber targets, then high satisfaction may be right for you.

This article will explain how to set up and manage your Nutrition Strategies in Lose It!.


The Bottom Line

Several possible explanations exist for why you’re still hungry after consuming an adequate meal. If you’re experiencing unexplained hunger, try boosting your intake of fat, fiber, and protein, incorporating meal sequencing, and getting enough hydration and rest.

Kimberley Rose, RDN, CDCES, CNSC, LD

Kim Rose is a Florida-based registered dietitian nutritionist with a decade of clinical experience.

View all posts by Kimberley Rose

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