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10 Tips to Get Back on Track After Overeating

Woman drinking water while running outdoors

Portrait of a young woman drinking water while running outdoorsContinue reading Woman drinking water while running outdoors

Overeating happens especially during the holidays.

The good news is that one night or day of overeating doesn’t mean you’ll gain weight or that you’ve failed. The key is what you do next. 

Below are ten tips for staying true to your health goals after overeating.  

1. Say goodbye to guilt and negative thoughts 

The very first thing to do is to acknowledge any negative thoughts or feelings that you have about overeating the day before, and then let them go. 

Spending your day feeling bad about yourself or angry towards yourself doesn’t help. In fact, it can actually lead to a cycle of more overeating and negative self-talk. 

Instead, remind yourself that one day of overeating doesn’t mean that you failed, that you’re going to gain weight, or that your health efforts up until then are wasted.

And let these truths help remove any guilt you may be feeling.

Once you let go of the guilt, you can then move on and get back on track with your health goals. 

2. Take a day off from the scale 

Now, just because one night of overeating won’t cause you to gain lasting weight, it can cause your body to be bloated and hold onto water.

And as a result, getting on the scale the next day and seeing this increase in weight can quickly cause you to spiral back down into those negative thoughts and feelings that you just got rid of. 

Instead, take a day or two off from the scale. And if you’re feeling particularly bloated, also try to stay away from tight-fitting clothes, as they can also cause a dip in your self-confidence.

3. Drink plenty of water 

Staying hydrated is always important, but it’s especially key after a night of overeating. 

Drinking water has several benefits after a day of indulging, including: 

  • Helping to reduce bloating caused by excess sodium intake. 
  • Moving along digestion, which will also help with that bloated feeling. 
  • Encouraging regular bowel movements.

Plus, if you weren’t on top of your water game while at the party, or had a few alcoholic drinks, drinking water will also provide much-needed hydration. 

For a little extra flavor, drink a glass of hot or room-temp lemon water first thing in the morning. 

While herbal teas can also be helpful with re-hydrating and settling an upset stomach, try to go easy on the caffeine.

One cup is fine, but guzzling down several cups can leave you more dehydrated and lead to a serious energy slump in the afternoon. 

As for sugary coffee shop drinks, save your money and focus on getting your energy and blood sugar levels back to normal before indulging in your favorite seasonal drinks. 

Similarly, the “hair of the dog” isn’t the best advice. Drinking alcohol after a night of indulging may sound like a good idea, but it can actually get in the way of digestion and leave you feeling even more fatigued. 

4. Review your goals

Now that you’re in a more positive mood and hydrated, it’s helpful to remind yourself of what your goals are, how you plan to achieve them, and why you want to be healthier. 

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, improve control of your blood sugars, or simply get in better shape, my number one recommendation is to make SMART goals – which you can read all about here

In particular, I find that it’s helpful to actually have your goals and plan written out as a resource to come back to when you get a little off track. 

Reflect on or take a look back on your goals and start making your game plan for the day. This will help you feel more in control of your health and reignite any motivation that was starting to wane. 

5. Go grocery shopping

Rather than ordering takeout or going to brunch, make a point to get back to your healthy eating habits right away. And to do this, you’ll likely need to go grocery shopping. 

If you have the time, try to plan out the next couple of days of meals before going to the store.

Not only is cooking at home cheaper, but it’s one of the easiest ways to follow a healthy diet as you have full control over the calories, sugar, and nutrients in your meals. 

However, if planning a few days worth of meals sounds like more than your brain can process at the moment, at least grab stuff for healthy meals and snacks for the day. 

And don’t think that you have to just eat salads either.

While there’s nothing wrong with a salad, what’s most important is choosing meals that are rich in veggies, lean protein, and healthy fats.  

6. Remove temptation

Whether you threw the party or were sent home with leftovers, it can be helpful to remove any tempting foods that may throw you back off track. 

Instead of simply tossing it all in the trash, try to find ways to get rid of the leftovers, such as bringing them to neighbors and family members or taking them to work. 

Depending on what the food is, you could also possibly stash it in the freezer. Desserts like cookies, brownies, cheesecakes, and fruit pies (except lemon meringue) all freeze well. 

Similarly, individual slices of casseroles can also be frozen. The only exceptions are if the casserole contains a large amount of mayo, cream, or potatoes (except for mac and cheese, which strangely freezes and thaws well). 

If someone you live with is hoping to eat the leftovers, then at least try to put the tempting foods towards the back of the fridge or pantry so that they’re out of sight. 

7. Get moving 

Even if it wasn’t in your plan for the day originally, getting in some form of physical activity can help burn calories and boost your mood. 

If safe to do so, exercising outside can be particularly good for your spirits. Activities like walking, jogging, ice skating, snowshoeing, or skiing are all great ways to breathe in some fresh air and get your heart rate up. 

For more ways to stay active during the holidays, check out our previous post here

Of course, doing an online workout class or jumping on the stationary bike are also great options. 

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter what you do, just move! 

8. Listen to your hunger cues 

If you look up tips on what to do after a day of overeating, you’ll likely come across mixed messages. Some say to eat fewer calories, while others say to jump right back into your usual eating routine. 

Personally, I think the best route is to listen to your hunger cues. Or in other words, eat if you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. 

Depending on the person, this may mean eating as many calories as you would on a normal day, while others may find that they’re simply just not as hungry. And both are okay. 

As long as your intake is coming from a place of actual hunger/fullness, and not from feelings of how much you “should” eat, then you’re on the right track. 

9. Vent and connect

Remember how earlier I said to acknowledge and say goodbye to negative thoughts? Sometimes it isn’t that easy. 

Sure, you may be able to push through and continue on with the other tips listed. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t still holding on to some of those negative feelings. 

Rather than just wishing them away, get those feelings off your chest by venting to someone. 

Whether it’s calling a friend, going for a walk with a family member, or connecting with others on the Lose It! app, being able to share your feelings and concerns is important for your overall mental health. 

It can also help prevent emotional eating and the cycle of overeating that we discussed earlier. 

10. Get some sleep 

Finally, make sure to get plenty of sleep.

Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep has been shown to be important for your physical and mental health

And when it comes to getting back into your normal rhythm, being well-rested is important for having enough energy to exercise and make healthy food choices. 

Plus, research has shown that not getting enough sleep can actually lead to increased feelings of hunger and food cravings. 

The Bottom Line

It’s worth repeating: one day of overeating does not mean that you failed or that you’ll gain weight. 

After all, achieving a healthy weight isn’t about just losing weight and restricting. It’s also about finding a healthy relationship with your body and food. And this means allowing yourself to enjoy a night or day of indulgence from time to time. 

The next time you go over your calorie goals for the day, try following the tips above to get yourself back into the rhythm of your healthy lifestyle.

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