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Dr. Sandy Bassin Image

Sandy Bassin, MD

Sandy Bassin, MD, is passionate about incorporating lifestyle medicine and plant-based nutrition into endocrinology, particularly within diabetes and obesity management.


Sandy Bassin, MD, is passionate about incorporating lifestyle medicine and plant-based nutrition into endocrinology, particularly within diabetes and obesity management.

She trained at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth in New Hampshire, where she taught culinary medicine classes to patients and medical trainees. She then continued her training at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey and is currently completing an endocrinology fellowship in New York City.

During this time she has stayed true to her interests in teaching and nutrition, publishing reviews of nutrition education in medical training and physical activity in type 2 diabetes in Nutrition Reviews, Endocrine Practice, and the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine. She has also been featured on the Physician to Physician Plant-Based Nutrition podcast and has given many presentations on lifestyle interventions in endocrine disorders.

She stays active through yoga and gardening, and loves to cook and be outdoors.

Health Expertise

Obesity, type 2 diabetes, endocrinology, and lifestyle medicine


Bachelor of Arts in Neuroscience, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York

Doctor of Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire

Awards & Achievements

Fellow in Training on the Board of Directors, American Association of Clinical Endocrinology (AACE), 2023–2024

Award Outstanding PGY-III Medicine Resident, 2022

Member, American College of Lifestyle Medicine