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Need More Nutrition in Your Meals? These Two Seeds Make it Easy

Flax seeds and chia seeds in bowls, top view.Continue reading Flax and chia seeds.

If you’ve been on your health journey for a little bit now, then you’ve likely changed the way you eat and made it a priority to move more.  (Side note … way to go as that is no easy feat).  

At this point, you may be feeling ready to explore the superfood aisle to really boost your nutrition at mealtimes.  While there are many great superfood blends and supplements, today we’re going to focus on two popular choices that we think are pretty great, especially when it comes to your heart.

Chia seeds and flax seeds…have you heard of them?  Maybe you even have a package laying around your house.  These seeds are small yet mighty when it comes to nutrition.

Which one’s healthier?

Ah, this one might be a tie.  Our dietitian, Kim Rose, explains, “If you’re looking to boost your plant-based omega 3’s flaxseeds are the clear winner, but if a plant-based protein is your goal then chia seeds are your best choice.”  Overall, she recommends including both in your diet if you’re able.  A standard serving size for both is 2 tablespoons.

What type of nutrition do they offer for the heart?

Flaxseeds are flat, brown seeds that contain plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, and fiber.  What’s a lignan?  It’s a polyphenol that’s packed with antioxidants and health benefits.  An observational study found a 46% reduction in cardiovascular disease risk for those that regularly consumed polyphenols, specifically the lignan content found in flaxseeds.

Chia seeds are round black seeds that contain plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber.  A recent randomized control trial in 2021, found that those who consumed 3 tablespoons of chia seeds per day for 12 weeks experienced lower systolic blood pressure readings.

Where can I find these supplements?

Chia seeds and flaxseeds can be found in most grocery stores.  You’ll usually find them located in the rice aisle, baking aisle, or health food section.  Both seeds are sold in their whole seed form or a ground form also known as the meal.

When you get them home, be sure to store them in a cool dry place.  Most brands actually recommend storing in the refrigerator or freezer to best protect the seeds’ nutrition content.

Six Uses of These Heart-Healthy Seeds

There are many uses for flaxseed and chia seeds.  Some overlap while others are unique to the individual seed.

1. Use as an egg substitute

No eggs?  No problem.  These seeds can be used to make a vegan egg substitute.  For flaxseeds, combine 1 tablespoon of flaxseed meal with 3 tablespoons of liquid (usually water) and let sit for about 2 minutes.  For chia seeds, combine 1 tablespoon of whole chia seeds with 3 tablespoons of boiling water and let sit for about 3 minutes. Once thickened you can add to your recipe as directed.

2. Increase the fiber

Chia seeds provide the highest fiber content with 5 grams per tablespoon.  Ground flaxseed meal also provides some fiber, but you’ll probably want to stick with a two-tablespoon serving for its 3 grams of fiber.  We enjoy adding them to smoothies, baked oatmeal, and yogurt.

3. Boost those heart-healthy Omega 3’s

Since seeds are from a plant they provide ALA or Alpha-Linolenic Acid which is the plant-based version of omega 3’s.  It’s slightly different than what you’ll get from salmon, mackerel, or tuna, but still beneficial.  While both contain good amounts, flaxseeds win this one with slightly higher ALA per tablespoon.

4. Replace oil or shortening

This one is specific to flaxseed meal.  You can replace oil or shortening in a recipe to make it more heart-healthy.  Simply use a 3:1 ratio meaning if the recipe calls for ⅓ cup oil, you’ll use 1 cup flaxseed meal.  

5. Reduce the flour

This is another one specific to flaxseed meal.  You can reduce the amount of flour in a recipe by 25% with the flaxseed meal.  Why do this?  It’ll replace some of the white, refined grain with a slightly nutty flavor that provides fiber, protein, and polyphenols.

6. Use as a Thickener

If you’ve eaten chia seeds before, then you may have noticed that stick to your cup, teeth, or really anything.  It’s because they form a gel in liquid, in as little as 20 minutes, due to their fiber content, specifically the cholesterol-lowering soluble fiber.  One recipe we love is our homemade healthier jam using chia seeds.  You can also find recipes for chia pudding or chia Fresca, a typical summer beverage. 

The Bottom Line

Chia seeds and flaxseeds pack omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, and plant-based protein.  In addition, research has shown the improvement of blood pressure with chia seeds and reduced cardiovascular risk with flaxseeds.  Incorporating these seeds into your diet regularly may be beneficial to your overall health and wellness.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website, or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your medical provider before changing your dietary approach and eating habits.

Have you tried them before?  If so, let us know how you like to use them.

Last Reviewed: 09/2022

Anna Smith, MS, RDN, LDN

Meet Anna, a Nashville-based registered dietitian on a mission to make healthy eating easier. Her upbeat and encouraging guidance simplifies complex nutrition concepts into practical, easy-to-follow tips to inspire a happier, healthier you.

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