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Should I Eat If I’m Not Hungry?

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Have you ever wondered this?  If so, you aren’t alone as it is a frequently asked question among my clients.  And a quick google search agrees with over 80 million results.  Unfortunately, many results, often mean there isn’t a clear-cut answer.  Like many things in nutrition, recommendations are usually best answered on an individual basis, and this is one of those cases.

But what if the question is not so much should I eat when I’m not hungry but more so why am I not hungry?  If you feel like you should be eating, but aren’t feeling hungry then keep reading to see what might be going on.

What signals hunger in your body?

First, let’s refresh on the basics.  Hunger is defined as a feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by a lack of food, coupled with the desire to eat.  Some may notice stomach growling while others begin to experience lightheadedness.

Hunger is regulated by our hypothalamus, which is located in our brain, in addition to blood sugar levels, the food status in your stomach and intestines, and hormones like Ghrelin and Leptin.

Ghrelin, located in the stomach, works to increase appetite by signaling to the brain.  While Leptin is the opposite, located in fat cells, signaling the brain that it’s fed therefore decreasing appetite.

How often should I feel hungry?

Generally speaking, if you’re consuming proper portion sizes and balanced meals, the body signals hunger every 3-4 hours.  For those following, higher fat eating plans, like Keto, or consuming larger portion sizes, hunger will likely arise every 4-6 hours.  For those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, athletes, or others with high energy needs, your body hungry might signal hunger more frequently like every 2-3 hours.

What’s important here is that you’re paying attention to your body’s individual needs. Hunger cues will vary day-to-day based on your food intake, activity level, sleep status, fluctuating hormones, among other factors.

If you need help getting back on track with your hunger and fullness cues, something called The Hunger Scale could help.

Ideally, you want to eat at a 3 (hungry) to 4 (slightly hungry) and stop when you’re at a 7 (satisfied). Eating within this range most often will allow you to make more rational and intentional food choices. Of course, there are always reasons why we are unable to eat within this window and that’s ok.

Keep this scale handy and use it to rank your typical hunger at meals. Then make adjustments as desired.

What if I’m really not hungry for a meal, can I skip it?

Yes, it can be ok to skip a meal if you’re not feeling physically hungry.  However, if you find yourself skipping the same meal often, then I encourage you to dig a little deeper into your eating behaviors to uncover the why.

For example, if you find yourself skipping breakfast only to feel sluggish mid-morning or with increased hunger as the day goes on, then it might benefit you to eat a balanced breakfast.  This nourishment at the beginning of the day could be just the solution you need to regulate your energy and hunger levels more effectively.

Another piece of advice.  Make sure you’re taking the time to break and eat.  Life gets busy, we get it.  Some days can be hard, but if you’re constantly working through lunch or rushing out the door in the morning, then your body might be getting used to this pattern and stop signaling hunger.  Don’t confuse your habits with reasons not to eat.  Allow yourself the time and space to tune into your body to experience hunger.

After all, eating is how we receive nourishment.  It helps us to obtain vital nutrients and antioxidants through our diet.  No supplement can make up for chronically skipping meals.

How can I better view my eating patterns?

Lose It! has a couple of features built into the app to help you get back in touch with your hunger. 

The timestamp feature can help you get a better view of how frequently you eat throughout the day.  This can prompt you to adjust your diet depending on what you find. 

The notes feature can help you log your hunger/fullness to better tune into your hunger cues.

The Bottom Line

It’s ok to listen to your body and skip a meal if you’re not feeling hungry; however, chronic meal skipping should be a red flag.  Take a look at your eating patterns to make sure they’re promoting appropriate hunger and fullness.  If you need extra assistance, a registered dietitian can help.

Anna Smith, MS, RDN, LDN

Meet Anna, a Nashville-based registered dietitian on a mission to make healthy eating easier. Her upbeat and encouraging guidance simplifies complex nutrition concepts into practical, easy-to-follow tips to inspire a happier, healthier you.

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