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Three 20-Minute Treadmill Workouts to Try Out

ethnic males running on treadmills

How often do you change up your exercise routine? The National Institute of Aging recommends switching up your workouts throughout the year to include four different types including: strength, balance, flexibility, and todays focus endurance. 

If you’re looking to implement more endurance training, good for the health of your heart, lungs, and circulatory system, then treadmill workouts could be a great place to start.  Below you can find three different routines to get your heart pumping.

1) Steady-State

Steady-state cardio involves exercising at a consistent speed and one level of intensity the entire workout.  In this workout you’ll find a pace that works for you and run for 20 minutes. Increase the incline for an additional challenge and calorie burn. Not quite up to running yet? Try walking briskly at a pace that’s slightly more challenging for you than your easy, regular stroll. The main goal is to be consistent for one level for the entire 20 minutes.

2) Speed Intervals

Speed intervals are a great way to burn calories in a short period of time.  You’ll start with a quick two-minute warm up at an easy pace.  Then increase your speed, at various speeds, for short bursts of time. 

If you’re finding the monotony of steady state cardio leaves you bored, speed intervals can be a great way to incorporate variety because as the effort exerted increases your interval time decreases.

Workout 1

Warm Up – 2 min at an easy pace

Interval 1 – 30 sec at 70% effort / 30 sec at an easy pace

Interval 2 – 25 sec at 75% effort / 35 sec at an easy pace

Interval 3 – 20 sec at 80% effort / 40 sec at an easy pace

Interval 4 – 15 sec at 85% effort / 45 sec at an easy pace

Interval 5 – 10 sec at 90% effort/ 50 sec at an easy pace

Interval 6 – 15 sec at 85% effort / 45 sec at an easy pace

Interval 7 – 20 sec at 80% effort / 40 sec at an easy pace

Interval 8 – 25 sec at 75% effort / 35 sec at an easy pace

Repeat Intervals 1-8

Cool Down – 2 min at an easy pace

3) Max Effort Sprints

Short, maximum effort intervals require you to push yourself hard, exerting 100% effort each time.  With this workout the sprint duration is shorter, only 8 seconds with a rest time of 52 seconds.  This may seem like a long time to rest, but as you get closer to the sixth rep you should find yourself at increasing levels of exhaustion.  If you’re a beginner, start with longer, less intense intervals and work your way up to shorter, maximum effort intervals.  Workout 2 is considered an advanced workout.

Workout 2

Warm Up – 2 min at an easy pace

Interval 1 – 8 sec at 100% effort sprint / 52 sec at complete rest

Repeat 6 times

Rest completely at least 4 minutes

Interval 2 – 8 sec at 100% effort sprint / 52 sec at complete rest

Repeat 6 times

Cool Down – 2 min walk

These 20-minute treadmill workouts are great endurance options to remember on those busy weeks.

As always, be sure to check with your medical provider before beginning any new workout program and seek advice from an exercise physiologist if you need help customizing this workout further to your needs.

Trying something new can be a great way to find or build motivation on your health and fitness journey.  Do you have a favorite treadmill workout? Comment below so we can see how you get it done!

Written by loseitblog

Edited by Anna Smith, MS, RDN, LDN

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