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Red Meat: How Much is Too Much?

From eating more vegetables to making half your grains whole, in the ever-revolving door of latest nutrition recommendations, there are a few that never seem to change. One of these recommendations is to eat less red meat. 

But what’s the science behind this recommendation? And are there healthier ways to enjoy red meat? Let’s take a look! 

Types of red meat

But first, let’s define what red meat actually is. 

While we usually think of beef, the term “red meat” includes all forms of beef, pork, lamb, veal, goat, venison, bison, elk — essentially any animal meat other than birds, fish and shellfish. 

There are two terms that are also important to understand when looking at research and recommendations: 

  • Lean meats: These are meats that contain less than 10 grams of fat, 4.5 grams or less of saturated fats, and less than 95 mg of cholesterol per 100 grams. Examples include 95% lean ground beef and pork tenderloin. 
  • Processed meats: These are meat products that are preserved by smoking, curing, salting, and/or the addition of chemical preservatives. These include foods like hot dogs, sausages, deli meats, and bacon. 

Note: definitions according to the Dietary Guidelines

Current recommendations

While recommendations for limiting red meat seem to change frequently, the current 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans actually doesn’t set a firm limit. 

Instead, the document recommends reducing intake of processed and unprocessed red meat as both can contribute excess saturated fat and sodium. It also encourages choosing more lean meats to further help reduce saturated fat. 

However, both the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research recommend limiting unprocessed red meat to no more than 18-ounces per week — a.k.a no more than 6, 3-ounce servings per week. 

And as for processed meat, the American Institute recommends avoiding them altogether. 

Nutrition of Red Meat 

The exact nutritional content depends on the type of meat.

However, in general, red meat is an excellent source of B-vitamins (important for energy levels, brain functioning, and metabolism) — including vitamin B12, which is only found naturally in animal products — as well as iron, zinc, and selenium. 

Of course, red meat is also high in protein.

However, red meats can also be high in saturated fat and sodium – especially processed red meats. 

And it’s largely because of the saturated fat and sodium that there are concerns that eating too much could increase the risk for disease, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. 

But do these concerns actually translate to real health risks?

Before we get to the research, it’s important to remember that these studies are observational, meaning that the results can show an association, but they can’t prove cause and effect. 

Red Meat and Overall Mortality Risk 

A recent 2019 study from Harvard looked at changes in red meat intake over an 8 year period in over 80,000 healthy men and women.

After 8 years, the study found that an increase by at least a ½ serving per day of processed red meat was associated with a 13% increased risk of dying from all causes.

And the same amount of unprocessed meat increased mortality risk by 9%. 

In contrast, those who had decreased their total red meat intake by an average of one serving per day while also increasing their intake of fish, chicken (without skin), nuts, fruits, vegetables, or whole grains were found to have a significantly reduced risk of death. 

Similarly, a meta-analysis found that total red meat intake was significantly associated with increased risk of death — especially for processed meats.

In fact, the analysis found that one serving of processed meat per day was associated with a 15% increased risk of all cause mortality, 15% increased risk of dying from heart disease, and an 8% increased risk of dying from cancer. 

Red Meat, Heart Disease, and Diabetes 

But what about the risk of chronic diseases? Can eating too much red meat lead to diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes? 

While the research is mixed, several meta-analysis show that risk of these diseases largely depends on the type of red meat. 

One meta-analysis of twenty studies found that eating 50 grams of processed meat per day (about the same as 4 slices of bacon or 1 hot dog) was associated with a 42% increased risk of heart disease and a 19% increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

However, the study did not find a significant association between moderate intake of unprocessed red meat and these diseases. 

Similarly, another meta-analysis looking at red meat intake and risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes found a significant 20% increased risk for heart disease for every 50 grams of processed meat consumed per day. 

While unprocessed red meat also showed an increase in heart disease risk, the result wasn’t significant. However, when looking at risk for diabetes, both processed and unprocessed red meats were found to significantly increase the risk. 

Red Meat and Cancer Risk 

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is part of the World Health Organization and includes experts from around the world.

In 2015, the IARC looked at over 800 studies to examine the relationship between red meat (processed and unprocessed) intake and risk of cancer. 

The review found that eating red meat probably increases the risk for colorectal cancer, while intake of processed red meat does increase the risk of colorectal cancer. 

There was also an association found between red meat intake and pancreatic and prostate cancer; however, they concluded that more research is needed. 

Based on their findings, the IARC recommends avoiding all forms of processed meats and limiting unprocessed meat intake to 3 to 4 ounce servings, no more than 3 times per week. 

In fact, the IARC has since classified processed meats as a Group 1 carcinogen, meaning that there is enough evidence to show that it does cause cancer in humans. To put this in perspective, other Group 1 carcinogens include tobacco, alcohol, and UV radiation.


While the research is overall mixed, current observational studies have shown an association between red meat intake and increased risk of death and colorectal cancer. 

However, the current evidence points to processed red meats as being the most harmful for health, especially when it comes to heart disease and cancer risk. 

Healthiest Red Meat Options 

As noted earlier, different cuts of meats have very different amounts of calories, total fat, and saturated fat. 

When eating red meat, try to stick with leaner cuts to keep your saturated fat intake below 10% of calories per day. 

Lean meat options include: 

  • Bison (ground or as a tenderloin steak)
  • 95% or 97% lean ground beef
  • Flank, tenderloin, sirloin, filet mignon beef steaks 
  • Pork tenderloin or center loin chops 

And of course, what you cook the meat in can also affect the amount of calories and fat.

Avoid methods that involve large amounts of oil (such as frying), and focus on lighter options such as grilling, baking, stewing, and braising. 

Bottom Line 

Daily intake of processed red meat can increase your risk for colorectal cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and death from all causes. As a result, it’s recommended to avoid these foods as much as possible. 

However, lean, unprocessed red meats can still be part of a healthy diet. Just make sure to limit intake to 3 to 4 ounce servings, no more than 3 times per week. 

Additionally, for optimal health benefits, it’s not just about reducing red meat intake, but also eating more lean proteins and high fiber foods, such as fish, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

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