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The Best Frozen Vegetables to Make Weeknight Dinners a Breeze

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The freezer section sometimes gets a bad rap, but as a dietitian, I’m here to tell you there are plenty of gems that live in this area that can no doubt make dinner easier.  

What to look for when purchasing?  Well, this may vary a little depending on your individual health goals, but typically I recommend purchasing frozen items with minimal ingredients.  Ideally, look for options with the vegetable itself and no additives.  This way, you can control how you choose to flavor or season the vegetables.  

Are you worried about nutritional value? Don’t be.  Frozen vegetables (and fruit) are harvested at the peak of ripeness and flash frozen (usually that same day), so their nutritional value stays high.  Some may even consider frozen more nutritious than fresh.  I tend to vote that both varieties have a place on our plates.  

Keep reading to learn which four frozen vegetables we recommend having on hand to make dinnertime more of a breeze.

1. Mixed Vegetables 

Growing up, these were a staple in my house, and as an adult, I now know why.  The combination of green beans, corn, carrots, and peas is simple yet delicious.  Plus, with four vegetable varieties in one package, it’s a colorful way to brighten any plate.  As food costs continue to rise, this option remains budget-friendly.  For example, this option from Kroger is as low as $1 per bag, which breaks down to $0.25 per serving.  If you’re looking for an organic alternative, try Cascadian Farms.  We love using mixed vegetables as a super simple side, especially on those busy nights.  However, this blend also works great to boost the vegetable content in most soup or casserole recipes.

2. Green Zucchini & Yellow Squash Quarters

Not a fan of chopping vegetables?  You aren’t alone!  Many of my clients note that chopping deters them from recipes because they simply don’t have the time.  If this sounds like you, searching that frozen section for precut vegetables may be beneficial. Tattooed Chef, offers organic squash and zucchini that are precut into quarters and ready to use in a matter of minutes. Can’t find this brand?  Check other retailers like Walmart as they likely have something similar.  Quartered zucchini and squash can be added to any skewer or kebob.  Another idea?  We enjoy sautéing it in a skillet with ginger paste for a Hibachi-inspired taste. 

3. Diced Purple Sweet Potato

Once you find yourself regularly consuming vegetables, the next step to achieving a balanced diet might be evaluating what colors you typically eat.  Purple is usually one of the colors where many people fall short.  Of course, blueberries, blackberries, or red onions do count, but how about trying something new like the purple sweet potato?  Coconut King, and additional brands, make it easy by offering them already pre-diced.  Fun fact: Purple sweet potatoes have about three times more anthocyanins than the average blueberry. We love using these to make a quick and easy sheet pan dinner.  Another way to enjoy the purple sweet potato?  The North Carolina Sweet Potato Board recommends blending it in your next smoothie.

4. Riced Cauliflower and Broccoli

Rice is a go-to starch for some, especially at dinnertime.  So, why not keep things easy by boosting the nutrition of something you, or your family, already love?  Try blending your favorite grain with quick-and-easy riced vegetables, like this variety from Green Giant.  You’ll achieve a similar texture to what you’re used to while adding some fiber and antioxidants.  Another way we love using a riced vegetable?  Try adding it to any meatball, meatloaf, or burger recipe to add moisture, especially when working with leaner meats.  

The Bottom Line

Having healthy hacks on hand, like frozen vegetables, may be one way to ensure your plate stays balanced even at dinnertime.  When possible, purchase brands with minimal ingredients so the frozen vegetables remain similar to fresh.

Anna Smith, MS, RDN, LDN

Meet Anna, a Nashville-based registered dietitian on a mission to make healthy eating easier. Her upbeat and encouraging guidance simplifies complex nutrition concepts into practical, easy-to-follow tips to inspire a happier, healthier you.

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