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Your Ultimate Guide to Food Storage

Close-up shot of female hands holding glass containers with fresh raw vegetables.

Food isn’t cheap, so it’s important not to let any of it go to waste. 

Whether you’re meal prepping, stocking up on in-season produce, or buying items while they’re on sale, it can be helpful to know how best to store various food items as well as which can even be frozen. 

Keep reading for key tips and tricks for proper food storage as well as go-to supplies to have at home. 

Must-Have Food Storage Containers 

The most important tool you can have in your kitchen is good-quality food containers. After all, if you want to keep your food fresh for longer, you’re going to need a handful of airtight ways to store it. 

While zip-top bags can be a convenient option, it can get expensive always buying new bags.

There are several brands that sell reusable, freezer-safe storage bags (I like Stasher). The bonus of using bags over containers is that they’ll take up less space in your fridge and freezer. 

Still, it’s helpful to have a few food storage containers for items like casseroles and homemade granola bars. I recommend buying a set of glass containers that have tight-fitting lids and come in a variety of sizes. 

The reason I like glass is that you can bake and store your food all in the same container. And they’re dishwasher safe for easy cleanup! 

Okay, on to the food! 


When it comes to storing fruits, where to store them will depend on the type of fruit as some do better in the fridge while others should stay on your counter. 

Fruits to keep at room temperature include: 

  • Apricots*
  • Bananas
  • Grapefruit
  • Kiwi fruit* 
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Mangos*
  • Melons*
  • Nectarines*
  • Papaya*
  • Peaches* 
  • Pears*
  • Pineapple*
  • Plums*
  • Oranges
  • Tomatoes 
  • Watermelon 

*Once ripe, move these fruits to the fridge to increase their shelf-life by a few days. 

Tips for refrigerating fruit

For fruits not listed above, you’ll want to keep them in the fridge. Additionally, all fruits once cut or peeled should be kept in the fridge or freezer. 

Here are some tips for properly storing fruits in the fridge: 

  • The crisper drawer is best. Most fridges have one or two crisper drawers that allow you to adjust the humidity of the drawer. For most fruits, you’ll want to set the humidity to low. However, berries tend to do better with higher humidity. 
  • Wash just before eating. To avoid your fruit from rotting quickly, wait to wash your fruit until you’re just about to use it.
  • Don’t crowd. Proper airflow is key for helping your produce last longer. As a result, if you cram too many fruits into your crisper drawer, there’s less room for air to flow around the fruits, and there’s a greater chance that they’ll go bad faster. 

Tips for freezing fruit 

To make your fruit last longer, you can store it in the freezer for 8 to 12 months. 

Fruits that freeze well:

  • Banana slices 
  • Berries 
  • Cherries 
  • Nectarines 
  • Mango 
  • Peaches
  • Pineapple 
  • Plums 
  • Rhubarb 

While tomatoes don’t freeze well, tomato sauce does. Here’s a simple recipe for making your own. 

Tips for freezing fruit: 

  • Wash and completely dry your fruit before freezing. 
  • Remove any peels or pits. 
  • For bigger fruits, like bananas or mango, cutting the fruit into smaller chunks will make it easier to thaw or blend later. 
  • To avoid your fruit from forming one big frozen blob, place fruit on a baking sheet and freeze for 15-20 minutes, or until frozen. You can then transfer the fruit to a freezer bag or other airtight container. 


There are so many different vegetables, some of which do best in the fridge while others should be stored closer to room temp. However, any vegetable, once cut, should be stored in either the fridge or freezer. 

Vegetables that you’ll want to keep in a cool, dry place (such as a pantry), include: 

  • Avocado*
  • Cucumbers
  • Eggplant 
  • Garlic 
  • Green Beans 
  • Onions
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Winter squash (like butternut and acorn)

*Once avocados are ripe, you can move them to the fridge to extend their shelf-life by a few days. 

Tips for refrigerating vegetables

With the exceptions above, most vegetables should be kept in the fridge.

Here are some tips for storing them properly in your refrigerator: 

  • Cut off leafy stems. For veggies like carrots or beets that still have their stems attached, slice off most of the stems — leaving about 1 inch of stem — before storing. This will help keep them from drying out too quickly.
  • Give them air to breath. Make sure that the bag you store your vegetables in is either loosely wrapped or has small holes in it to allow some airflow. 
  • Don’t crowd. While there’s not always enough room in the fridge, try your best not to pack your vegetables in too tightly together as it can cause them to rot faster. 
  • Use higher humidity for thin-skinned veggies. For any vegetable with a thin skin (like asparagus) or those that wilt easily (like leafy greens), you’ll want to store them in a crisper drawer that’s set to high humidity (this is usually a slider on top of the drawer). 
  • Make sure it’s dry. If you decide to wash your vegetables before storing, make sure they’re completely dry before placing in the fridge. Otherwise, wait to wash until just before using. 

Tips for freezing vegetables

For longer storage, some vegetables can also be stored in your freezer for 8 to 12 months. 

You can freeze almost any vegetable, except for ones that have a high water content. These include cabbage, celery, cucumbers, endive, lettuce, radishes and watercress. 

To freeze vegetables, you’ll want to blanch them first. This will help to preserve both the quality and nutrients in your vegetables. Find out how to blanch vegetables, plus how long to blanch each type of vegetable, here

As for avocados, storing them on their own can make them mushy and flavorless. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done! 

To freeze avocado, start by scooping out the flesh into a bowl or food processor. Drizzle some lemon juice on top, then mash or puree the avocado. Transfer to an airtight container and freeze.  

Dairy and Dairy Alternatives 

Dairy (and dairy alternative) products should be kept in the fridge, unless they’re a shelf-stable version. 

Tips for storing dairy products in the fridge

  • Keep milk, milk alternatives, and yogurts in the coldest part of your fridge – not in the fridge door. 
  • To keep hard cheeses (like cheddar or gouda) fresh, wrap them in parchment paper and then place in an airtight container. Stored this way, they can stay good for up to a month.
  • While many of us grew up with butter being stored in a butter dish at room temp, butter should really be kept in the fridge where it can last for up to 4 months. 

Tips for freezing dairy products 

While it may not seem obvious, many dairy products can actually be stored in the freezer to help them last longer. 

Milk and alternative milks:

  • Regardless of the type of milk, be ready for it to expand when it freezes. To help with this, I recommend storing it in a freezer-safe bag that has some empty space at the top. 
  • Dairy and soy milk tend to freeze best.
  • Many alternative milks will separate and become grainy after thawing. While this isn’t a problem for smoothies, you’ll want to make sure to blend them before using them in other recipes like baked goods or soups. 
  • For best flavor, use frozen milk within 1 month (but it will stay good for up to 6 months).
  • To thaw milk, place it in the fridge overnight.
  • Never thaw milk in warm or hot water as it’ll increase the risk of bacterial growth. 
  • The only exception is if you’re adding the frozen milk straight into a soup where it will be heated sufficiently to kill off any potential pathogens. 


  • Yogurt is best frozen in an air-tight container that has some extra room as it will likely expand as it freezes. 
  • It’s best to use it within 2 months. 
  • Yogurt that’s been frozen and then thawed tends to be more watery and doesn’t work well in sauces or soups. However, it does still work in baked goods, like muffins. 
  • The best use for it is to add frozen portions of yogurt to smoothies. 


  • Cheeses that freeze well (listed below) can be frozen in their original packaging or in a freezer zip-top bag. 
  • For blocks of cheese, it’s easiest to shred or grate them before freezing. 
  • To thaw, either place the cheese in the fridge overnight, or sprinkle the cheese directly onto your food as long as it will be cooked first (such as pizza or a casserole). 
  • Cheese can last indefinitely in the freezer, but for best flavor, it’s best to use it within 9 months. 
  • Cheeses that freeze well include:
    • Cheddar
    • Colby
    • Edam
    • Gouda
    • Monterrey Jack
    • Mozzarella
    • Limburger
    • Provolone
    • Swiss


  • Butter freezes really well and keeps for up to 1 year in the freezer.
  • For best quality, place your butter in an airtight bag or container. 
  • To thaw, simply place it in the fridge overnight. 


Eggs are a great budget-friendly source of protein. And while they’re best refrigerated, it is possible to freeze eggs as well – I’ll show you how! 

But first, here are some tips for storing eggs in the fridge: 

  • Eggs will keep for longer when stored in their cartons. 
  • Keep egg cartons in the main part of your fridge, not in the door. 
  • If you have leftover egg yolks or whites, keep them in an airtight container. For yolks, add a small splash of water to keep them from drying out. 

How to freeze raw eggs

While there are ways to freeze eggs, note that you should not freeze whole eggs in their shells. Frozen raw eggs can last for up to 1 year in the freezer and should be thawed overnight in the fridge. 

To freeze egg whites: 

  1. Place one or two whites in a small airtight container (you can even use an ice cube tray that has a lid) and freeze. 

To freeze egg yolks

  1. Place egg yolks in a small mixing bowl and whisk. 
  2. For every 4 egg yolks, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and whisk. 
  3. Pour whisked yolks into small airtight containers and freeze. 

To freeze a whole raw egg:  

  1. Crack one egg into a small mixing bowl and whisk until yolks and whites are fully combined. 
  2. Pour into a freezer-safe container and freeze. To make them easier to use, I like to freeze each egg individually. 


While beans, lentils, and canned fish are all great pantry staples, you can also increase the shelf-life of refrigerated proteins by storing them in the freezer. Below are some tips. 

Tips for Freezing Meat, Poultry, and Fish 

  • To make thawing easier, freeze in individual-sized portions. 
  • For best quality, use two layers to protect your individual portions from freezer burn. I recommend wrapping the meat/chicken/fish in freezer paper, then placing it in an airtight freezer bag.. For those who have one, a vacuum sealer is the best way to make your meat air-tight. 
  • If freezing a bunch of potions at once, wrap each portion in freezer paper and place in a single layer on a baking sheet. Freeze for 20-30 minutes, or until nearly frozen through. At this point you can now place multiple portions in the same freezer bag. 
  • Make sure to follow proper food safety tips when thawing. See the USDA’s guidelines for safe thawing. 

Tips for Freezing Tofu and Tempeh 

  • Frozen tofu is not only easy, but it actually soaks up marinades better and doesn’t get as mushy when cooked. 
  • To freeze tofu, simply drain out all the water, then cover the tofu with paper towels. Place something heavy on top of the tofu for 15 minutes to help press out any remaining liquid. From here, you can either freeze the whole block in an airtight container, or cut it into cubes and freeze the cubes on a baking sheet before transferring to a container. 
  • Frozen tofu is good for about 3-4 months. 
  • Unopened tempeh can be frozen in its original packaging and will last for 10-12 months.

Whole Grains and Flours 

Whole grains are a nutritious option and one of my top recommended foods to keep on hand.

However, because whole grains and whole grain flours contain all parts of the grain — including the oil-rich germ — they can go bad faster than refined grains. 

The Whole Grains Council has a great chart that lists every whole grain and whole grain flour and how long each can last in the pantry and freezer. 

However, here are some tips for extending the shelf-life of your whole grains: 

  • Whether in the fridge or freezer, keep whole grains and flours in airtight containers. 
  • In general, intact whole grains can last for 6 months in the pantry and up to 12 months in the freezer. 
  • Whole grain flours will keep for 1 to 3 months in the pantry and 2 to 6 months in the freezer. 

Nuts and Seeds 

Similar to whole grains, nuts and seeds contain healthy oils that can cause them to go rancid overtime. 

Here are some tips for keeping your nuts and seeds safe for longer: 

  • Whole, raw nuts and seeds will keep for longer than roasted, ground, or chopped. 
  • Always store in airtight containers. 
  • Keep in a cool, dry place. They can last for 1 to 3 months in the pantry, up to 6 months in the fridge, and up to 1 year in the freezer. 

Casseroles and Cooked Meals 

If you’re a fan of batch cooking or know you won’t get through your leftovers, the freezer can be your best friend. 

Just make sure to practice a few food safety tips:

  • Don’t place a hot dish in the freezer as it’ll raise the temperature of your freezer. Instead, try to cool your dish as quickly as possible (under 2 hours) by placing it on a cool countertop or even on top of a bowl of ice. 
  • Portion out before freezing to make reheating even easier. 
  • Store in an airtight container or zip-top bag. 
  • Thaw in the fridge overnight, or if you freeze in individual servings, you can reheat a serving in the microwave. 
  • If freezing a pasta dish, make sure to slightly undercook the pasta otherwise it can get quite mushy when reheated. 

Types of meals that freeze well:

  • Soups, stews, and chilis. 
  • Enchiladas.
  • Taquitos. 
  • Burritos.
  • Lasagna.
  • Pizza (cooked and uncooked).
  • Uncooked ravioli and other stuffed pastas.
  • Meatballs with sauce. 
  • Breaded chicken fingers.
  • Chicken or veggie pot pie. 
  • Veggie burgers. 
  • Dumplings. 

The Bottom Line

Proper food storage is essential for keeping your food fresher for longer. Not only does it cut down on food waste, but it can also save you money!

Let us know your top tips for not letting food go to waste in the comments below. And don’t forget to use your Lose It! app to help plan out your meals for the day or week.

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