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How to Incorporate Exercise Into the Holidays So You Stay on Track

You don’t need to hit the gym to get your exercise in during the holidays. Try these expert tips and tricks to stay moving — guaranteed to burn those holiday cookie calories!
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We all know that the holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year. Between shopping, wrapping presents, and meeting last-minute work deadlines, it’s easy to forget all about your workout goals. But taking care of yourself, especially during the hustle and bustle of this time of year, is one of the best things you can do to help manage seasonal stress and anxiety.

“It’s definitely possible to maintain your fitness and weight loss goals during the holidays,” says Nicole Thompson, an ACE certified personal trainer, health coach, and medical exercise specialist. “You just might need to adjust them slightly because it can be hard to fit everything in right now. There’s a lot going on, so flexibility and setting realistic expectations are key for working toward your goals.”

Read on for practical tips on how to stay motivated enough to incorporate exercise into the holidays, according to experts.

Plan Ahead

One of the most important — and easiest — ways to stay on track is simply to plan ahead. Your schedule is irrevocably packed this time of year, so instead of squeezing in exercise whenever you have a break, prioritize your well-being by making an appointment to work out.

“When you feel like you have no time to devote to yourself, staying active may seem challenging,” says Kevin Atkinson, owner of Sweat 60 Fitness. “Focus on planning your workouts in advance. Block out specific times with a trainer or classes and stick to your schedule like you would prioritize any other commitment. If you can’t make it to the gym, try doing home workouts. You can block out 20 minutes and get your sweat on with little to no equipment.”

Get Your Family Involved

Consistency is key to turning your fitness dreams into a reality. But having kids home for winter break and relatives visiting can sometimes make it difficult to stick to your usual workout schedule. So don’t be afraid to mix things up by planning outdoor activities that can accommodate the whole family.

“Get creative and plan family-friendly activities like a hike or a walk,” says Thompson. “You can also play games like soccer or frisbee if you live in a warmer climate. If you’re in a colder climate, go ice skating or sledding, or build a snowman with your kids. Walking up a hill is a great way to get cardio in, and building a snowman is not only fun, but also involves bending and lifting.”

A few other ideas that can make fitness more enticing for kids of all ages include holiday music–themed dance parties, skiing, and biking. “The holidays are a time to enjoy, so find a balance that allows you to maintain a healthy lifestyle without feeling deprived,” says Atkinson.

9 Calorie-Burning Winter Activities for Families

Here are some of Atkinson’s favorite suggestions for family-friendly exercise swaps.

1. Family Walks

Take advantage of the holiday season by going for post-dinner family walks. It’s a great way to spend time together and burn calories. Walking at a brisk pace can burn 200 to 300 calories per hour.

2. Ice Skating

Swap out your usual workout for a family ice skating session. Ice skating is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that can burn 300 to 500 calories per hour.

3. Sledding

If you live in a snowy area, engage in sledding or tubing with your family. Climbing back up the hill provides a good workout for your legs and can burn 400 to 600 calories per hour.

4. Dance Parties

Turn up the holiday music and have a dance party with your family or friends. Dancing is a fun way to burn calories, with estimates ranging from 200 to 400 calories per hour, depending on the intensity.

5. Holiday Decorating Workout

Incorporate exercise into holiday decorating by doing squats while hanging ornaments, lunges while putting up lights, or even push-ups between tasks.

6. Mall Walking

If you’re at the mall for holiday shopping, take a few extra laps for some added steps. Walking at a moderate pace can burn 200 to 300 calories per hour.

7. Charity Runs or Walks

Many communities organize holiday-themed charity runs or walks. Participate as a family to support a cause and stay active together.

8. Outdoor Games

Play active outdoor games like touch football, soccer, or Frisbee with family and friends. These activities burn calories while providing entertainment.

9. Outdoor Adventure

Plan outdoor activities like hiking, biking, or nature walks during the holiday break. These not only burn calories, but also give you an opportunity to connect with nature.

Manage Expectations

Remember that staying on track with your fitness goals is a marathon, not a race. So try to give yourself grace if you fall off the bandwagon or overindulge in potato latkes and Christmas cookies.

“Be flexible and adapt to changes in your routine,” says Atkinson. “The goal isn’t to achieve a perfect workout routine or eat the perfect meal every time, but to try to stay active and healthy in a way that fits into your holiday schedule. Making small, sustainable changes will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and have a positive mindset.”

And remember, doing something is always better than doing nothing. According to a study published in 2016 in the New England Journal of Medicine, most people gain weight during the holiday season. So, even if you can’t make it to your regular HIIT or spinning class at the gym, prioritizing fitness during this time of year will still help you avoid this common pitfall.

Hit Restart

Nobody is perfect — not even you. So, if you do fall off the bandwagon and miss more workouts than you care to admit during the holidays, don’t be afraid to dust yourself off and start again.

“Remember, getting back on track is a gradual process,” says Atkinson. “It’s important to approach it with a positive mindset.” The best way to get back on track, he suggests, is to create a plan, find an accountability partner, focus on consistency, and, most importantly, never quit. “Setbacks are normal for everyone,” Atkinson says.

Remember Your Why

There are probably plenty of reasons why you decided to embark on your fitness journey. So don’t let the chaos of the holiday season deter you from remembering why you set out to become stronger and healthier in the first place. Focusing on the impact that exercise has on your mental — instead of just your physical — health helps you to not to lose sight of your goals.

Leading scientists can also vouch for the fact that working out plays an integral role in your overall well-being. A study published in the journal Maturitas in December 2017 showed that regular exercise can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. So it makes sense that incorporating workouts into your holiday schedule can help you manage Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Hanukkah-related stress, too.

“Exercise can be mood-elevating and de-stressing,” says Thompson. “It releases endorphins and makes you happy. It’s also just a helpful reminder to take a break and enjoy time off with your family and friends. Engaging in family-friendly physical activities helps you decompress and de-stress, and it elevates your mood. And you’re spending time with your family, which is ultimately what it’s all about!” 

The Bottom Line

Finding time to work out during the holidays is stressful, to say the least. But with a little planning and flexibility, you can achieve all of your fitness goals. Just be sure to let yourself off the hook if you fall off the bandwagon and don’t be afraid to hit the reset button on your health and wellness journey if you slip up and miss a workout or two. Most of all, remember that the holidays are a time to enjoy with your family and friends — so inviting loved ones to work out with you outdoors is a great way to stay on track without sacrificing family time for the gym.


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