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5 Ways to Start Healthy Family Habits

Family of three playing basketball

The more, the merrier.  What if this saying also applied to your health journey?  Many individuals report feeling overwhelmed or isolated when striving for a healthier lifestyle, but implementing some of your new-found habits into your family’s routine may be just what you need to stay connected and motivated. 

Here are 5 easy ways to get your family started with their own healthy habits.

1. Plan Healthy Meals Together

Meal planning is a game-changer for staying accountable to healthy eating.  Get your family involved by encouraging everyone to share their favorite healthy recipes or to choose nutritious ingredients for meals.  The group effort will hopefully yield new ideas or flavor combinations to keep your diet exciting and diverse.  New to healthy eating? Take your family on a trip to the grocery store.  Have each person pick out one fruit or vegetable and use that in a recipe for the week.

2. Make Movement a Priority

Work on implementing an active lifestyle for your family by limiting sedentary activities and prioritizing movement instead.  There are many ways to move your body with your family, including neighborhood walks, nature hikes, or bike rides on a local greenway.  You can also play outdoor games like putt-putt, tennis, basketball, or soccer.  Another one of our favorite ways to move is with yoga – great for all ages.  Creating a daily or weekly routine may make it easier to accomplish this healthy habit.

3. Create a Sleep Routine

Sleep is a crucial piece of a healthy lifestyle – and one that is often overlooked.  Help your family attain better sleep habits by building a consistent nighttime routine.  This may involve dimming the lights at a certain time, playing calming music, or even diffusing relaxing scents like lavender.  Tap into your senses to help your family unwind in a healthy way each day.

Related Reading: 3 Foods for Better Sleep


4. Limit Screen Time

From television to cellphones to computers, our society has set us up to max out on screen time.  Set daily limits on screen time for both kids and adults.  Not only will this positively impact sleep, but it also can help with one’s mental health and stress levels.  Encourage everyone to find other activities instead of spending too much time on electronic devices.

5. Lead By Example

It can be easy to push these healthy habits to times when your kids are at school or sleeping, but it can be more impactful for your loved ones to see you modeling these behaviors.  Why not let them see you prioritize a 10-minute arm strengthener or a quick meal prep skill like hard-boiled eggs?  Here’s your reminder that it’s ok to model healthy habits for your family. After all, if you want your family to eat healthier, be active, and get enough sleep, it’s crucial that you are regularly doing these things as well. 

The Bottom Line

Forming healthy family habits can take time, but consistency is key to allowing these behaviors to become a natural part of your family’s routine. Be confident to make adjustments as needed to find what works best for your family.

Anna Smith, MS, RDN, LDN

Meet Anna, a Nashville-based registered dietitian on a mission to make healthy eating easier. Her upbeat and encouraging guidance simplifies complex nutrition concepts into practical, easy-to-follow tips to inspire a happier, healthier you.

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