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What Is the “Add, Not Subtract” Approach to Dieting?

What if we told you there’s a better, more joyful path to achieving your weight loss goals? Learn to redefine your dieting by adding, not subtracting, foods — plus, some practical meal-planning tips to get you started.

vegetables on the counter

The “add, not subtract” approach redefines traditional dieting methods. Instead of focusing on what to remove or restrict from your diet, it encourages adding nutrient-rich, wholesome foods to each of your meals and snacks. You’ll be filling your grocery cart with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, dairy, nuts, seeds, and other unprocessed wholesome ingredients. The core principle is to build a positive and sustainable relationship with food. To do this, you’ll be concentrating more on the inclusion of healthier options rather than dwelling on what to exclude.

If I’m Eating More Food, How Will I Lose Weight? 

By adding more nutritious foods to your meals, you’ll learn how to construct a balanced plate that not only satisfies your cravings but also provides essential nourishment. This leaves less room in your diet for empty calories. Now read that carefully. It’s about having less room, not no room, for those special foods you enjoy or crave. This means if you feel like eating a cookie with lunch, go ahead. But you might find that your desire for it isn’t as strong as it once was. The key is having the freedom to choose, which prevents that feeling of missing out — common in traditional diets.

Is It Really So Bad to Feel Deprived When Dieting?

Yes and no. The answer depends on your individual situation and unique personality. It’s true that when it comes to weight loss, setting boundaries is essential. You have to know what you’re changing about your current diet to see any measurable results on the scale. It’s not that discipline and rule-following are bad; the real question is how sustainable it is for you to never eat certain foods again. For some, avoiding off-limit foods can become increasingly challenging.

Research says that feeling is not just in your head. In fact, overly restricting your diet, even in the name of health, can lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and even failure. Additionally, it can intensify your cravings for those restricted foods, potentially leading to unhealthy binge eating for some.

If this sounds like you, then the “add, not subtract” approach may be worth considering. Now, let’s delve into what foods you should eat more of to lose weight.

Add More From These 5 Food Categories to Lose Weight

What we love most about this dietary strategy is its flexibility. You have the freedom to choose from a variety of textures and flavors to enhance your nutrition, satisfy your cravings, and love what you’re eating. To create a more nutritious and satisfying plate, start by focusing on these five food categories.

  1. Fruits: Don’t hold back on eating more fresh, frozen, or dried fruits, from vibrant smoothies to satisfying salads and delightful snacks. They bring natural sweetness, a burst of fiber, and plenty of essential vitamins.
  2. Vegetables: Load your plate with colorful, non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, sweet bell peppers, broccoli, and carrots. They are low in calories and high in nutrients.
  3. Whole Grains: Choose whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, and oats for added fiber and sustained energy.
  4. Lean Proteins: Opt for lean protein sources such as skinless poultry, fish, tofu, beans, and legumes. They help you feel full and maintain muscle mass.
  5. Nuts and Seeds: Don’t underestimate the power of a small yet satisfying portion of nuts and seeds. They bring a dose of healthy fats and protein to your plate, ensuring you stay content and energized on your weight loss journey.

Meal Planning With the “Add, Not Subtract” Method

Are you ready to dive into some meal planning tips? To build a meal that’s both healthy and tasty (no fancy chef’s hat required!), aim for a balance of four key factors — fats, fiber, protein, and carbs — and a little bit of what makes your taste buds do a happy dance (aka what you’re craving).

Picture a dinner plate, starring some good ol’ grilled chicken breast — that’s your lean protein, which keeps you feeling full. On the side, you’ve got vibrant broccoli, packing vitamins and filling fiber, and a juicy clementine, adding a zing of sweetness and healthy carbs. You likely used a drizzle of olive oil during cooking, which helps you absorb all those good-for-you nutrients. And, because this approach is all about adding what you enjoy, there’s also a small helping of your favorite creamy mac and cheese. 

After this meal, you’ll (hopefully) feel full, satisfied, energized, and happy. It’s not about giving up what you love; it’s just about balancing it out.

To Put It Simply

As you find the healthier version of yourself, remember the power of addition if you decide to embrace the “add, not subtract” approach. Let these five remarkable food categories be allies in your weight loss journey. Think of them not just as ingredients, but also as the building blocks of your success.

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  • Bray B, Sadowski A, Bray C, et al. Clinical Aspects of Binge Eating Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Mixed-Methods Study of Binge Eating Disorder Experts’ Perspectives. Frontiers in Psychiatry. February 14, 2023.
  • Meule A. The Psychology of Food Cravings: The Role of Food Deprivation. Current Nutrition Reports. September 2020.

Anna Smith, MS, RDN, LDN

Meet Anna, a Nashville-based registered dietitian on a mission to make healthy eating easier. Her upbeat and encouraging guidance simplifies complex nutrition concepts into practical, easy-to-follow tips to inspire a happier, healthier you.

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