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Why Stress Is Dangerous & Stress Relief Ideas

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For many of us, stress has increased over the past couple of months with everything going on in today’s world.

And this increased stress may have serous side effects on your mental and physical health, including a decreased sense of well-being, increased fear, feelings of isolation, weight gain, worsening of any pre-existing health issues, and difficulty sleeping.

In particular, if you’re a parent, chances are that your stress levels are even higher than other adults.

A recent report of 3,000 adults found that parents with children under age 18 during the coronavirus pandemic reported a stress level of 6.7 out of a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 scores meaning the greatest deal of stress). In comparison, adults without children averaged a stress level of 5.5 out of 10.

Overall, 46% of parents reported having high levels of stress compared to 28% of adults without kids.

Whether you’re a parent or not, let’s talk about why stress can be so damaging and ways to help relieve your stress throughout the day.

Physical Symptoms of Stress

Emotional, mental, and physical stress have a number of symptoms. According to the American Psychological Association, these include:

  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Increased risk for hypertension, heart attack, and stroke.
  • Elevated levels of cortisol – our primary stress hormone.
  • Weight gain.
  • Increased risk for metabolic disorders like diabetes.
  • Increased risk of depression.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Lowered immune system.
  • GI issues, like nausea, acid reflux, heartburn, and bloating.
  • Decreased sex drive.

We all react to stress differently and those with a strong support system tend to handle stress more effectively than those who have less of a buffer.

When we practice stress reduction and coping methods, we can help reduce the risk of the negative health effects of stress.

Or in other words, making your emotional health a priority can literally be a lifesaver!

Here are some ways to manage your stress:

1. If you can do something about a stressful situation, then do it right away.

However, if what’s stressing you out is out of your control, try to put it on your mental back-burner rather than spending energy worrying about it.

2. Set goals to reduce the stressor

Focus on what can be done and set goals and priorities to accomplish these goals. Break big goals into mini-goals to make the goal more achievable.

3. Give yourself permission to have feelings of stress and anger.

It’s important to remind yourself that stress and anger are normal and will eventually pass.

When we fight against these feelings or beat ourselves up about having feelings, we only make the feelings worse.

4. Learn to recognize when your body is feeling stressed and your stress danger signs.

This can include trouble sleeping, increase in alcohol use, depression, increase irritability, and low energy levels.

Remember: It is ok to ask for help when you are starting to reach a breaking point.

5. Eat regular, balanced meals.

Eating regularly throughout the day can help keep your blood sugars stable and give your body the nutrition it needs to manage difficult situations.

6. Practice self-care.

Self-care means different things for each of us. Maybe it’s taking a hot bath or shower, listening to music, or trying a 5-min guided meditation.

I’ve also found that how you dress can improve self-care: choose outfits that make you feel comfortable and confident.

7. Breathe.

Meditation, muscle relaxation, stretching, massage, and breathing exercises have all been shown to be effective strategies for reducing stress levels.

Not sure how to get started? Luckily there are a bunch of great apps out there to guide you through these practices.

8. Read a book.

Reading is a great way to focus your attention on something else.

According to one study done by Sussex University, reading for as little as 6 minutes per day reduced stress levels by 60% and was 100% more effective than drinking a cup of tea and 300% better than going for a walk.

9. Participate in activities that you enjoy.

Find activities that you can get in a flow state or in the zone. When you are doing engaging, enjoyable activities your body and brain become immersed and focused. And this in turn increases feelings of pleasure.

10. Exercise regularly.

Moving your body for 30 minutes a day can reduce your stress response and give you a daily dose of feel-good hormones.

11. Get enough sleep.

Getting adequate amounts of sleep helps to manage stress. Read more tips about improving your sleep on Lose It!

12. Get out in nature.

Being in green spaces decreases stress and depression. Creating your own green spaces in your home can give you an extra boost every day.

13. Engage in regular emotional connection with others.

Keep in touch with friends and family and remember that you are not alone. It can be as simple as sending a text or making a quick phone call.

14. Take breaks from all forms of media from time to time.

Social media use in particular can increase feelings of depression and anxiety. It is good to take breaks from time to time to help to reconnect to real life.

The Bottom Line

Most of us are feeling an increased amount of stress during this pandemic.

If you are feeling more stressed or anxious right now, you’re in the majority. It is ok to have feelings of stress or anger.

Taking care of your mental and emotional health can help to reduce some of the negative health effects, help you deal effectively with daily stress, and improve feelings of well-being.

Have ways to help lower your stress levels? We’d love to hear them in the comments below!

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