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Maple Glazed Tempeh

Maple Glazed Tempeh

Whether you’re looking for a new plant-based protein source, experimenting with unfamiliar ingredients, or are a long-time plant-based eater, this recipe will help you better understand how to cook this protein powerhouse!

What Is Tofu?

Tofu is the solid protein from soy milk. Similar to the process of making cheese, the proteins are coagulated and separated from the water (whey in dairy) and then pressed to expel excess moisture. The more it is pressed, the firmer it becomes.

There are two types of tofu: Chinese style, which is sold in water and generally a plastic tub, and Japanese style, which is silken and often sold as shelf-stable in a box. Silken tofu isn’t pressed after the soy milk has been coagulated. By not pressing it, this style of tofu has a higher water content and a lower protein amount. Chinese style, which is more common in restaurant dishes, is more handleable in its firm form and has a higher protein content.

What Is Tempeh?

Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans that have been soaked, hulled, cooked, and then shaped into a 1/2" patty. Many brands of tempeh also offer a grain style that includes flax, seeds, and chia. Tofu has had nearly all fiber processed out, whereas tempeh is the entire soybean. The fermentation process makes soy easier to digest and adds a slightly nutty flavor. Tempeh is also a good source of iron, containing 10 percent of your daily iron needs per serving. Tofu contains less than 1 percent of daily iron. A standard package of tempeh costs around $4 and is three servings of a very filling, lean protein.

Maple-Glazed Tempeh



205 Cal

Per serving

Whether you’re looking for a new plant-based protein source, experimenting with unfamiliar ingredients, or are a long-time plant-based eater, this recipe will help you better understand how to cook this protein powerhouse!


Justin Weber

Protein Content Per Recommended Serving

  • 6 g: Firm silken
  • 11 g: Firm Chinese
  • 20 g: Tempeh

*Want even more protein? Add a serving of this maple glazed tempeh to your salad along with legumes or slice it up thin and use it as “bacon” on a veggie burger.

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