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8 Spring Vegetables to Brighten Up Your Plate

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It’s (finally) Spring! Time to say goodbye to the heavy comfort foods of winter and hello to bright, crisp spring produce. As you prepare to head out to a local farmers market or grocery store, check out our guide on eight spring vegetables to fill up your basket with! Not familiar with some of these? Don’t worry, we have tips on buying, storing, and cooking each.


One of my all-time favorite appetizers is grilled artichokes, drizzled with olive oil and minced garlic. Unlike jarred, which are soft and salty, fresh artichokes have a slightly nutty flavor and a meaty texture. Peak artichoke season runs from March to June and then again in the early fall.

Nutrition snap-shot

1 medium steamed artichoke has approximately 65 calories, 0 grams of fat, 14 grams of carbohydrate, 10 grams of fiber, and 1 gram of sugar.

Despite being low in calories, artichokes are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, folate, and choline.

Buying and storing

Look for artichokes that have tightly packed leaves and deep green color. Weight is also important, as fresher artichokes will be heavier and feel solid, while older artichokes will be lighter.

Fresh artichokes should be stored in the fridge for up to 5-7 days.

How to prep

I’m not going to lie, preparing an artichoke is a bit time-consuming and can be intimidating at first. However, once you’ve trimmed a few, the process goes much faster.

As with all produce, make sure to rinse the artichoke under running water to remove any grit hiding between the leaves. Pat dry with a clean paper towel and remove any stray leaves from the stem. Using kitchen shears, remove the thorny tips from the leaves.

The stem of an artichoke can be quite bitter and tough. Some people like to fully remove the stem, while others simply peel off the tough, outer layer of the stem.

Next, cut 1-inch off the top of the artichoke, remove any dry or tough leaves around the stem area.

From here, your artichoke is ready to be steamed, boiled, stuffed, roasted, or grilled. If you’re prepping multiple artichokes at a time, it’s best to keep cut artichokes in a bowl of lemon water to prevent the leaves from browning.

How to use in cooking

While there are many ways to enjoy fresh artichokes here are some classic options:

  • Steamed and then dipped into a homemade creamy sauce or seasoned oil.
  • Braised with wine and lemon juice for a light, yet impressive appetizer.
  • Cut in half, brushed with oil, and grilled.
  • Stuffed with bread crumbs or a whole grain, cheese, fresh herbs, salt and pepper and then baked for a vegetarian main dish


This delicate-looking green can add a peppery punch to your springtime salads. While available year-round, arugula tastes best when it’s grown in cooler weather. As a result, early spring and late fall are often the best seasons for picking up a bunch from the grocery store.

Nutrition snap-shot

Two cups of raw arugula contain approximately 10 calories, 0.3 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein, 1.5 grams of carbohydrate, 0.6 grams of fiber, and 0.8 grams of sugar.  

Despite being so low in calories, arugula is rich in micronutrients. It’s an excellent source of vitamins A and K, as well as contains a good amount of vitamin C, folate, and calcium.

Buying and storing

Look for leaves that are blemish-free, uniform in color, and don’t show signs of yellowing. You also want to avoid leaves that look overly moist.

Before storing, it’s important to clean the leaves properly. I bought in bunches, start by removing the tough stems.

Next, place leaves in a bowl of cool water, gently swishing them around to shake the dirt off of the leaves.

Transfer rinsed leaves to a salad spinner or wrap in paper towels and gently pat dry.

Place dried leaves onto a layer of clean paper towels, gently roll up, and then place in a plastic bag. Seal the bag and store it in the fridge for up to 7 days.

Leaves that haven’t been cleaned and properly stored will last about 3 days in the fridge.

How to prep

Once cleaned and stored properly, the arugula is ready to use right out of the fridge. If using immediately after buying, follow rinsing and drying instructions from above.

How to use in cooking

The most common use for arugula is to add it to salads. Due to its slightly peppery flavor, arugula pairs best with acidic and slightly sweet ingredients, such as balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, berries, and goat cheese.

While not as common, arugula can also be sautéed and served as a side dish along with a protein. Again, because of its peppery notes, it does well paired with sweeter meats, like bison or beef.


I always know it’s spring when asparagus starts to show up in the grocery store. While US varieties are typically green, you may also see white and purple ones. Popular in Europe, white asparagus has a milder flavor than green, while purple is the sweetest of the bunch with a slightly fruity flavor. Asparagus can be found during the winter, but the peak season is from March through June.

Nutrition snap-shot

A ½ cup serving of boiled asparagus contains 22 calories, nearly 0 grams of fat, 2 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbohydrate, 2 grams of fiber, and 1 gram of sugar.

Asparagus is great for heart health as it’s high in folate and vitamins E and C. It also contains a good amount of vitamin A and phosphorus.

Buying and storing

Look for asparagus that is brightly colored (regardless of green, white, or purple), has smooth skin, head intact, and freshly cut ends.

The key to best-tasting asparagus is to eat it as soon as possible, so it’s recommended to only store it for up to two days. While you can keep asparagus in a loosely wrapped plastic bag in a crisper drawer of your fridge, the best way to store asparagus is actually standing up in a vase of water (like you would with flowers). This helps prevent them from getting bruised – and makes it less likely that you’ll forget to eat them!

How to prep

When ready to use, start by rinsing asparagus under running water, shaking them slightly to get rid of any dirt that might be hiding in the tips.

Next, hold both ends of each spear and bend to snap off the tough, fibrous base. However, if you have super thin spears, this step is likely unnecessary as the whole stock should be soft and edible.

How to use in cooking

The size of your asparagus plays a role in how best to eat it. Thicker asparagus has a wonderful meaty texture that’s best enjoyed steamed and drizzled with a sauce or oil, or blanched and made into a light spring salad.

Thinner spears are best for roasting, grilling, or adding to pasta or quiches. Due to its sweeter flavor, purple asparagus is even delicious raw.


Despite being able to buy bags of baby carrots year-round in the US, carrots actually have two peak seasons: late Spring and Fall.

Nutrition snap-shot

One medium carrot contains approximately 41 calories, 0.2 grams of fat, 0.9 grams of protein, 9.6 grams of carb, 2.8 grams of fiber, and 4.7 grams of sugar.

While carrots are known for their excellent amount of vitamin A (important for eye health), carrots are also high in biotin, vitamin K, potassium, and vitamin B6.

Buying and storing

While we normally think of carrots as being orange, they come in a variety of colors, including golden yellow, white, red, and purple. So which to choose? The darker the color, generally the sweeter the flavor will be.

Regardless of color, look for carrots that are free of blemishes and aren’t broken at the bottom. If the green leaves are still attached, they should be a vibrant green and not wilted.

Before storing, make sure to snip off the green tops as they can actually draw moisture out of the carrots. Keep carrots in a produce bag and store them in the coldest part of your fridge for several weeks.

How to prep

Start by removing the green tops if you haven’t already. Next, rinse and pat dry. Smaller, fresh carrots can simply be scrubbed – no need to peel. Older or larger carrots should be peeled as the skin can be quite bitter.

How to use in cooking

Fresh, raw carrots can be eaten whole as a snack or as part of a veggie platter. They can also be shredded and added to salads, slaws, baked goods (hello, carrot muffins!), or even pancakes. Shredded carrots are also an easy way to add a little sweetness and moisture to meatloaf.

They can also be roasted for a delicious side dish, pickled for the ultimate sandwich condiment, or pureed into a soup.


One of the more polarizing spring vegetables, fennel, also known as sweet anise, has a distinct licorice flavor. While available year-round, its peak season is in early spring.

Nutrition snap-shot

1 cup of sliced, raw fennel contains 27 calories, nearly 0 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrate, and 2.7 grams of fiber. While fennel contains small amounts of various minerals, its main nutrient highlight is that it’s a good source of vitamin C.

Buying and storing

Look for a fennel that has a bright white, firm bulb that’s blemish-free. While smaller bulbs tend to be sweeter, large bulbs can be surprisingly tender. Also be sure to look at the bottom of the bulb, as there should be very little (if any)  browning.

Store fennel loosely wrapped in a plastic bag in a warmer part of your fridge for up to 10 days.  

How to prep

Start by cutting off the stalks. While some dishes will specifically call for using the stalks, most of the time you can discard these.

Next, trim the bottom of the bulb and remove any browning layers. Whether your quarter, slice, or dice the fennel bulb will be recipe-specific.

How to use in cooking

So what do you do with it? Fennel is often served raw, giving an extra crunch to salads or sandwiches.

However, for a sweeter flavor and tender texture, fennel can be roasted, sauteed, or added to a slow cooker. Personally, my favorite way to eat fennel is to saute it with oil and garlic then serve over pasta with freshly grated cheese and lemon juice.


Available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, radishes have distinctive flavor profiles. While the available year-round, peak season for radishes is spring.

Nutrition snap-shot

One cup of raw, sliced radishes contains approximately 19 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0.8 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbohydrate, 2 grams of fiber, and 2 grams of sugar.

While radishes contain a small number of various minerals, B-vitamins, and vitamin K, it’s most notable for their vitamin C content. Just ½ cup of sliced radishes contains 14% of the recommended daily allowance for vitamin C.

Buying and storing

Regardless of the type of radish, you are looking to buy, you want to look for ones that are plump with firm roots. The leaves attached to the radish should still be vibrant in color and not show signs of wilting.

Before storing, remove the leafy greens. While many people just throw these away, you can actually use these greens in a salad or saute them.

Store radishes in a produce bag in a crisper drawer of your fridge for up to 5-7 days.

How to prep

To prepare, remove the stem and tips. If you aren’t a fan of the pungent, peppery flavor of radishes, you can peel them before using them. Otherwise, simply rinse and prepare according to your recipe.

If your radishes get a little soft during storage, you can crisp them back up by soaking them in a bowl of ice water for up to 1 hour before use.

How to use in cooking

The most common way to cook with radishes is by slicing them thin and eating them raw in salads.

However daikon radishes are more often found in cooked dishes than eaten raw (although, you can eat them raw). Instead, these radishes are frequently pickled, shredded into soups, or roasted.


Despite being called the “first fruit of Spring,” rhubarb is technically a vegetable that’s peak season is early Spring. However, there’s also a second harvest season from June-July in the Pacific Northwest. Rhubarb comes in two varieties: traditional, which has a thicker, slightly green stalk, and hothouse, which is more slender and has a deep red color.

Nutrition snap-shot

1 cup of raw, diced rhubarb contains approximately 26 calories, nearly 0 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein, 5.5 grams of carbohydrate, 2 grams of fiber, and 1.3 grams of sugar.

While rhubarb does contain a good amount of vitamin K, it’s not a significant source of other vitamins and minerals.

Buying and storing

Ever notice that rhubarb is sold just as the stalk, with the leaves removed? That’s because the leaves are actually poisonous. So, if you happen to come across rhubarb with the leaves still attached, make sure to discard them in a place that’s out of reach for children and pets.

Look for heavy stalks, with taut, shiny skin. They should never be rubbery or dry.

Before storing, wash the stalks under running water and discard the dry ends and leaves. Loosely wrap in plastic and store in the crisper drawer in your fridge for up to three days. You can also freeze rhubarb for up to 8 months. 

How to prep

If you haven’t already, be sure to rinse rhubarb before using it and remove the stems and dry ends.

How to use in cooking

As mentioned above there are two types of rhubarb. While the hothouse variety is prettier, it’s also tarter, whereas the traditional rhubarb has a more mellow flavor.

When cooked, rhubarb becomes tender and its juices thicken. For these reasons as well as its sour flavor, rhubarb is most often found in fruit pies and crisps. It also cooks down well to be made into a jam, chutney, or compote.

It can also be added to savory dishes, such as meat stews or lentil soups.

While rhubarb is almost always cooked, it is safe to eat raw, just be ready for a very tart bite.


A root vegetable closely related to radishes, turnips can have a slight hot or peppery flavor when eaten raw. While larger turnips are more in season during the fall, during the spring is when you can find the smaller, sweeter varieties.

Nutrition snap-shot

1 cup of diced and boiled turnip contains approximately 34 calories, 0 grams of fat, 1 gram of protein, 8 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of fiber, and 4.7 grams of sugar.

Turnips are a good source of calcium, potassium, and vitamins C and A.

Buying and storing

Look for turnips that are brightly colored with a creamy white-colored bottom and a violet ring around the top. However, baby turnips may not have a violet ring.

To ensure freshness, look for turnips that still have bright, fresh leaves attached. Avoid any wilted leaves. Fresh turnips should feel heavy for their size and be firm to the touch.

To store, first remove the green leaves. Loosely wrap the turnips in a plastic bag and keep them stored in the crisper of your fridge for up to 3 weeks.

How to prep

To prepare, simply scrub the turnip well to remove any dirt. If you haven’t already, remove the green leafy green stem.

How to use in cooking

As with radishes, turnips can be sliced thin and eaten raw. Baby turnips are best for this, as they have a more mild flavor than larger turnips.

For cooking turnips, you can drizzle them with oil and roast them as you would any other root vegetable. They can also be mashed and added to mashed potatoes for a lighter version of the classic side dish, pureed in a soup, or added to stews.

The Bottom Line

Now that you’ve got a list of delicious spring veggies and how to prepare them, head to your local farmers market and have at it! 

Don’t forget to let us know in the comments if you whip up a delicious, veggie-inspired dish!  

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