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Hydration is important all year long, but especially as temperatures warm up and you find yourself outside more often. Plain water is always the gold standard when trying to hit your hydration targets, but did you know that some foods may help as well? Fruit, in particular, contains high water content which can help you exceed those hydration goals keeping your skin and cells extra happy. Plus these colorful foods provide your body with helpful nutrients to run their best. Keep reading to see which ones made our list.
1. Watermelon
Watermelon officially wins the gold medal of most hydrating fruits, but likely not super surprising to you as it contains the word water right in its name. It is made up of 92% water along with powerful electrolytes like magnesium and potassium which make it a great item to keep in mind after your next workout. Of course, sports drinks provide similar results, but watermelon is more of a natural choice, free of all additives and sweeteners.
2. Strawberries
Strawberries made our list of low sugar fruits but also rank high in water content at 91%. We love adding strawberries to a large leafy green salad for a fun punch of red along with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Plus, vitamin C, found in berries, helps our bodies better absorb the iron in those leafy greens. Strawberries do make the EWG’s dirty dozen list, so if your budget allows this might be a fruit that you opt to purchase as certified organic. Either way – you’ll still get those great health benefits.
3. Cantaloupe
Cantaloupe, the juicy orange-colored melon, contains 90% water. It’s a great idea to incorporate orange foods into your diet, like cantaloupe, as they are full of lutein and zeaxanthin which promote healthy eyesight. Most traditionally served for breakfast, but if you’re looking to mix it up a bit, try making this refreshing cantaloupe gazpacho. It’ll be sure to wow your taste buds.
4. Peaches
Peaches with their firm, fuzzy skin contain 89% water. According to the Georgia Peach Council, there are over 700 varieties of peaches and 40 varieties are grown right in Georgia. This warm-weather fruit is a good source of vitamin C which boosts immunity helping your body better fight colds and sickness. We suggest trying our lightened-up blueberry peach crisp next time you need a seasonal dessert – the comments don’t lie, it’s a good one.
5. Papaya
Papaya is a fun one and contains 89% water. Have you tried this tropical fruit before? It’s native to Central America but readily available at the grocery stores. A 2019 study found that papaya may be beneficial to those with metabolic syndrome due to its antioxidant, anti-hypertensive, hypoglycemic, and hypolipidemic effects. If you’re newer to working with papaya, check out this article by Eating Well where it outlines how to prepare and cut this delicious fruit.
6. Plums
Plums may be small in size but just two fruits pack 88% water. In addition, they pack potassium which helps to keep your heart healthy. According to the American Heart Association, a higher potassium intake leads to lower levels of sodium and healthy blood vessel walls which helps to keep your blood pressure in check. For those with kidney issues, talk with a trusted medical professional on how to properly manage your potassium intake.
7. Pineapple
Pineapple may be intimidating to cut, but once you get the hang of it, it’s well worth the effort due to its high water content at 86%. (Read through this article put together by The Kitchn for some great tips on cutting a pineapple.) Similar to watermelon, pineapple is another great snack to reach for after strenuous exercise. It’s all due to the enzyme, bromelain which works to reduce inflammation in your muscles. Blend it in a smoothie or eat it plain to get those awesome recovery benefits.
The Bottom Line
Fruits can be a tasty way to up your water intake. In fact, all fruits and vegetables provide some level of hydration so make sure to incorporate these colorful food groups into your daily eats when you can.