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10 Foods to Add to Your Shopping Cart on the Mediterranean Diet

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By now, you’ve probably heard dietitians and medical professionals gushing over the Mediterranean diet. This is largely thanks to the numerous studies showing its associations with healthy body weight and reduced risk of heart disease. But what does following the Mediterranean actually look like in real life?

Here are 10 essential foods to pick up on your next trip to the grocery store:

3. In-Season Vegetables

Depending on what you read, the Mediterranean diet recommends eating anywhere from 4-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day with an emphasis on more vegetables. While that’s a large range, my recommendation is to simply start by eating one more serving per day than you do currently and then slowly go up as you get into the routine of eating more produce. High in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, yet low in calories and fat, vegetables are considered nutrient-dense foods. As the exact nutrient composition varies with different types of vegetables, eating a variety is key. A good way to get variety is by eating what’s in season. However, sometimes we want veggies that aren’t in season. For this, I recommend turning to frozen vegetables, which are just as nutritious as fresh. You can save money by buying vegetables in bulk when they’re in season (and generally cheaper) and then freezing them yourself. And don’t limit yourself to just salads and raw carrot sticks. Roasting, mashing, spiralizing, and sauteing are great ways to incorporate vegetables into all three meals (yes, even breakfast). Have picky eaters in the house? Try shredding vegetables and adding them to turkey burgers, frittatas, whole-wheat pasta dishes, sauces, and smoothies.

4. Chickpeas

While all legumes are encouraged on the Mediterranean diet, chickpeas are one of my favorites as they’re budget-friendly, packed with fiber, and easy to incorporate into meals and snacks. High in fiber, chickpeas are also a good source of protein, folate, and manganese. They’re also moderate in calories, making them a good option for those looking to lose or need help maintaining their weight. Chickpeas can be added to salads, soups, tacos, grain bowls, or stir-frys. They can also be pulsed to make hummus, falafels, or bean burgers. For the ultimate Mediterranean snack, toss chickpeas with a little avocado oil, season with sodium-free spices, and roast in the oven for a crunchy snack.

6. Fresh Fruit

Another key of the Mediterranean diet is limiting the intake of added sugars and replacing them with fresh fruit. Rather than eating cookies or candy, it’s encouraged to use fruit as a way to satisfy those sweet cravings. There are no “off-limit” fruits; instead, the emphasis is to eat a variety of fruits, particularly those in season. Unlike traditional baked goods and other desserts, fruit is high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants while being low in fat. Pair fruit with a healthy fat or protein for a balanced snack or sweet treat.

7. Fresh Herbs

Rather than salt, the Mediterranean diet promotes adding flavor and nutrition to our meals with fresh herbs and spices. While herbs can be expensive, some, like basil, are easy to grow even in small spaces. You can also freeze leftover herbs in ice cube trays by chopping them up fine and then mixing them with a little water or oil. Herbs that freeze best include basil, chives, dill, lemongrass, mint, oregano, sage, tarragon, and thyme.

Slowing Down

In addition to food choices, the other key to following the Mediterranean diet is enjoying meals with others. While it’s not always feasible to sit down to dinner with all our friends and family, a good goal is to practice mindful eating at least a few times per week. Taking the time to prepare and savor our food, free of distractions like phones or TV, can help foster a healthier relationship with food.

Are you looking to adopt a more Mediterranean style of eating? Which of these foods are you eating more frequently? Quick recipe tips are also welcome. Share with us in the comments below!

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