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4 Simple Exercises to Improve Balance and Stability

As a new mom of the cutest little boy in town (no bias whatsoever), I am blessed with the opportunity to watch him learn basically everything. Rolling over, crawling, walking.. the list is endless.  My biggest takeaway from watching him grasp these novel concepts from his perspective is the importance of flexibility, balance, and stability.  The movements that seem so simple from year one are still just as important in years 30, 60, 90, and above.  Getting up from a chair, walking with proper balance so as to not fall, climbing stairs effectively… no matter your age, these everyday movements are very important! Below are four exercises you may perform on a daily basis that can help improve your balance and stability.

(Safety is key.  If you have balance problems or injuries, talk to your doctor first about safe exercise.)

1. Sit to Stand

Squats are the single most important exercise you can do! It’s an everyday movement you probably do not even realize you are doing! Quite frankly, being able to sit down and stand up from a chair, couch, or toilet seat could be the determining factor in whether someone can live independently. to Stand.jpg
  • How:  Stand in front of a sturdy chair with your feet hip-width distance apart, core engaged
  • Heels: Six inches in front of the chair
  • Arms: Straight out in front of shoulders
  • Bend your knees and push your hips back as if you are going to sit in the chair.  Just then, press through your heels back up to standing. 
  • Reminder: Try not to swing your body for momentum or use your hands to push back up. Be sure to keep your chest up and heels on the floor.

Complete: 3 sets of 10 reps

Progression: Try using a shorter chair and eventually no chair at all to perform full bodyweight squats

2. Tightrope Walk

This exercise is great for testing balance and stability to help decrease the risk of falling. Walk.jpg
  • How: Stand up tall, feet together, core engaged
  • Feet: One foot in front of the other, heel to toe, in a straight line, like you are standing on a balance beam
  • Arms: Off to the side for balance or holding onto the wall, counter, or chair
  • Hold for 30 seconds, and then switch.

Complete: 2-3 sets on each side.

Progression:  Omit the wall or chair for balance, eventually adding light weights in each hand (dumbbells, water bottles, or canned goods will work).  To take it even further, try holding a weight in only one hand without compromising your spine or leaning to one side.

3. Single Leg Stand

If you have stairs in your home or office, this is a great exercise to weave into your routine. In addition, it will help resolve any muscular imbalances you may have between your left or right sides. Leg Stand.jpg


  • How: Stand up tall, feet together, core engaged
  • Arms: Make a “T”, arms straight out, shoulder height for balance, or hold onto a wall, counter, or chair
  • Feet: Lift one foot off the floor so you are standing on one foot, imagining a string from the top of your head pulling your spine up tall without leaning to one side
  • Hold your balance for 30 seconds.

Complete: 3 sets.

Progression: Point your lifted foot out in front of you, to the side, and straight behind you

4. Farmers Walk

This exercise is fairly simple and safe (win-win). It’s one of my favorite full-body workouts because it targets over ten different muscle groups throughout your body. Walk.jpg


  • How: Stand up tall, core engaged
  • Feet: Hip width distance apart
  • Arms: Holding weights down by your sides, palms facing your body
  • Slowly walk forward, imagining a string from the top of your head pulling your spine up tall.
  • Walk forward for 30 seconds.

Complete: 3 sets.

Progression: As your grip strength improves, you may begin to increase the weight in each hand, making this exercise more effective

Exercise Disclaimer: Before starting any new workout regimen, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath at any time while exercising, you should stop immediately. The workout is merely a suggestion and should be adjusted to fit your individual needs and goals.

Jenn Gately, NCSF-CPT

Jenn is a certified personal trainer and strength training enthusiast. She loves helping people to understand how to maximize their potential and celebrate small successes to reach healthy lifestyle transformations.

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