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15 Minute Leg Strengthener

Creating balance is a choice.  Every day you have an opportunity to make choices and decisions on how you may want to move your body. To keep your body balanced, moving is key. To keep you moving you must have a strong base. Powerful leg muscles are one way to help keep your body well-balanced!

Your leg muscles are home to the largest muscle groups in your body. (Think quads, hamstrings, and glutes!) Large muscles burn more calories.  More calories burned help maintain a healthier heart and cardiovascular system. The stronger your legs are, the more likely it will help prevent lower body injuries. (Win-Win-Win!)


Follow this lower body routine to help improve performance, daily tasks, and overall quality of life.


Workout Instructions:

2 sets of 10 exercises
1st round: favor the right side
2nd round: favor the left side  
Rest 60 seconds between rounds

Perform 2-3 times a week for 4 weeks

Best for Beginner to Moderate Skill Levels


What You Will Need:

Set of weights
(Kettlebells or heavy weighted items around your house will work too!)



Don’t forget to breathe out on exertion.  Maintaining proper breathing and proper form are equally important.

Throughout your workout, try to hit as many planes of movement as possible (forward, backward, side to side, etc). This variety will help increase your range of motion.


1. Standing Glute Raise 

With the band anchored at the floor, place it around one ankle straighten the leg, and flex the foot. With the standing leg slightly bent, extend the banded straight leg up towards the ceiling leading with the heel.  Be sure to keep tension on the band at all times while raising and lowering. (30 sec)

2. Double Sumo Squat + Wide Leg Deadlift 

Stand with your feet wider than hip-width distance apart. Keeping your back flat, perform two deep sumo squats plus one hip hinge wide leg deadlift.  Keep palms facing each other the entire time. Shoulders out of your ears. (60 sec)

Double Sumo Squat + Wide Leg Deadlift

3. Hip Abduction Raise 

With the band anchored at the floor, place it around one ankle straighten the leg, and flex the foot. With the standing leg slightly bent, extend the banded leg out to the side leading with the heel. Be sure to keep tension on the band at all times while raising and lowering to help target the outer hip area. (30 sec)

4. Hip Adduction Pull 

With the band anchored at the floor, place it around one ankle and flex the foot. With the standing leg slightly bent, extend the banded leg out front, lead with the heel and pull inward going right to left, firing up your inner thighs. Be sure to keep tension on the band at all times while pulling in and out. (30 sec)

5. Narrow Squat

Stand with your feet no wider than hip-width distance apart. Bend your knees and sit back into a narrow squat. Keep your knees wide and tuck your glutes in as you stand back up. (60 sec)

  • NOTE: Heels elevated slightly up will help target quads even deeper. Keeping your heels up will also help if you have trouble finding the full range of motion in your ankles. (ie if your heels tend to come off the ground when you squat.)

6. Band Pull Throughs 

Anchor band on the floor. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width distance apart. Find the tension in the band. Keeping your back flat, hinge at your hips, reach through and pull the band to come back up. (60 sec)

  • NOTE: 
  • To target glutes, come all the way up and tuck your tailbone in. A key part of glute development is core tightness and a tucked pelvic floor.
  • To target hamstrings, do not lock your hips, and do not come all the way up to standing.
Band Pull Throughs 

7. Curtsy + Lateral Lunge 

With weights off to your side, step back into a curtsy squat keeping your back flat, chest up, and tall posture. With the same leg, step out into a lateral lunge, push your weight back, keep your feet parallel, and frame the outside leg. Repeat. (30 sec)

Curtsy + Lateral Lunge 

8. Banded Jump Squats

With the band anchored close to hip height, place the band around your waist and face away from the anchor point. Keeping feet slightly wider than hip-width distance apart, sit back into a squat. With an explosive motion jump up as high as you can and land with your knees bent back in the squat position. Be sure to keep tension in the band the entire time. (30sec)

Banded Jump Squats

9. Alternating Reverse Lunges

With weights off to your side, step back into a reverse lunge while maintaining a flat back and tall posture. Make sure your front knee stays behind your toes. Step back up to standing and alternate sides. (60 sec)

  • NOTE: To progress this move, try front racking the weights up by your shoulders.
Alternating Reverse Lunges

10. Plyometric Switch Lunges 

Bodyweight only exercise (aka cardio burst!) Keeping your back flat, tall spine and shoulders out of your ears, lunge hop forward, hop front foot out, hop front foot in and hop to switch. Alternate sides. (30sec)

Rest for one minute and repeat the entire set on the other side.

  • **For a Real Kicker: On a treadmill run uphill for 45 seconds on and 15 seconds off 2-3 times in between sets!**
Plyometric Switch Lunges

Exercise Disclaimer: Before starting any new workout regimen, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath at any time while exercising, you should stop immediately. This workout is merely a suggestion and should be adjusted to fit your individual needs and goals.

Jenn Gately, NCSF-CPT

Jenn is a certified personal trainer and strength training enthusiast. She loves helping people to understand how to maximize their potential and celebrate small successes to reach healthy lifestyle transformations.

View all posts by Jenn Gately

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