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Why Am I Tired All The Time? Potential Lifestyle Causes Of Low Energy.


Despite the best of intentions, fatigue can make it harder to stay consistent with healthy eating and regular exercise.  Maybe you’ve experienced a similar scenario to this one – you feel too tired to cook dinner and go to the gym so you find yourself sitting more and ordering in some food.  However, instead of feeling reenergized, this behavior seems to do the opposite perpetuating those sluggish feelings and low energy.  Fatigue can be caused by medical reasons or lifestyle habits.  Read more to see which factors may be causing low energy levels in your life.

Not Getting Optimal Sleep 

Let’s start with sleep!  The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night for optimal health.  However, a survey by the CDC found that approximately 1 in 3 adults are not hitting this recommendation.  

Why is this?  Medically, some individuals are diagnosed with insomnia and need to follow treatment protocols recommended by their physician.  Research shows insomnia and sleep difficulties might become more common with age.  For others, potential factors that negatively impact sleep include caffeine consumption too late in the day, lack of physical exercise, eating too close to bedtime, or work obligations.  Lack of sleep may also be caused by your children, especially if you’re a newborn parent as the babies require frequent feedings and attention during the night.

If you’re sleeping for 7-9 hours each night, but still waking up tired, it’s recommended to ask your doctor for a further evaluation of your sleep quality.  Sleep disorders, room temperature, hunger, fullness, alcohol consumption, or stress levels may be causing poor quality of sleep.  

For more tips on getting enough sleep, be sure to check out our previous post

Overall, try to achieve consistent sleep habits on weekdays and weekends to feel re-energized and refreshed.

Not Drinking Enough Water 

Even mild dehydration has been shown to cause an increase in feelings of fatigue

To avoid dehydration, first, learn how much water you should be drinking. You can check out our hydration calculator here.  Next, decide how much water you plan to drink.  Then start by evenly spacing your water consumption throughout the day so you can easily achieve your goal by bedtime.  For example, you could begin your day by drinking a large glass of water first thing in the morning or with your breakfast.  A reusable water bottle may help you stay on track!  You can also add hydrating fruit to your water like cucumber or watermelon to help you hit your goal.

Sitting Too Much 

Did you know that more time sitting may result in less energy?  

One study of 70 women evaluated energy levels and fatigue in women who regularly met physical activity recommendations of 150 minutes of exercise per week compared to women who did not.  The results found that the women who completed 150 minutes of exercise each week reported less fatigue and higher energy compared to the other group.  

Similarly, a small study from the University of Georgia found those who engaged in twenty minutes of low or moderate intensity exercise three days a week for six weeks experienced a 20% increase in energy levels compared to the control group. 

This research demonstrates that a reduction in sitting may help increase energy levels.  Any movement is helpful so make sure to find something that you enjoy!

Chronically High-Stress Levels 

Stress is natural, and present in different seasons of our lives; however, unmanaged chronic high-stress levels may be contributing to your feelings of exhaustion. 

One study of 2,483 adults found that feelings of fatigue were strongly associated with increased stress levels.  While more research is needed to further evaluate the exact mechanism of how prolonged stress levels affect energy levels, one reason may be that stress levels cause poor sleep habits.  As mentioned, lack of sleep can lead to fatigue and low energy levels.

While we can’t avoid stress completely, there are ways to help manage it.  Try practicing yoga, mediation, breathing exercise, progressive muscular relaxation, aromatherapy, exercise, taking a hot shower, or listening to music which some find helpful in lowering stress levels.  Other ideas include tapping into your creative side with drawing, painting, or playing music.  Additionally, calling a friend or loved one might help you talk through your stressful situation.  Whatever you decide, it’s important to prioritize finding stress management techniques that work for you.

Not Eating Enough or Skipping Meals 

Especially focusing on weight loss, many cut calories too low, too quickly.  This calorie deficit may cause weight loss, but keeping your calories too low for an extended time might make you feel less motivated and energized.  After all, your body needs a minimum number of calories each day to perform its essential functions like breathing and cell repair (this is known as your basal metabolic rate — a.k.a BMR).  If you’re consuming fewer calories than your body needs to perform these functions, it will start to conserve energy in any way that it can, which often means slowing down metabolism and reducing energy levels.

If you’re eating enough calories, but spacing your eating events too far apart this might also be causing fatigue.  While some individuals report feeling more energy during intermittent fasting, others notice a dip in energy levels when fasting.  Skipping meals regularly may cause low blood sugar levels causing some to experience light-headedness, fatigue, or “hanger.”  Try adding in a snack or two to see if this helps provide consistent energy levels throughout the day.

Poor Diet Quality 

If you’re eating an appropriate number of calories during the day and have appropriate meal spacing, then chances are you may need to adjust what you’re eating or drinking. 

Nutrients like fiber, healthy fats, and lean proteins all help to stabilize blood sugar levels and provide a steady stream of energy throughout the day.  In contrast, foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, like sugary breakfast cereals or granola bars, may give you a quick bolt of energy, but quickly leave you feeling tired and hungry.  

Additionally, fast food or processed foods contain excess sodium and saturated fat causing you to feel heavy or lethargic while digesting. 

If you notice frequent fatigue in mid-morning or after lunch, review your Lose It! app to assess your intake.  Here are some suggestions for improving diet quality.

  • In the morning, aim to eat a high-protein breakfast
  • For a mid-morning snack, opt for one that’s high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats, such as an apple with peanut butter.
  • At lunch, skip the drive-thru line and pack leftovers from the night before or make something simple and nutritious like our Hummus and Avocado Sandwich
  • If you have to eat out, commit to choosing a healthier option.  Review the menu ahead of time.  Look for salads with grilled proteins, grilled chicken sandwiches, or grain bowls.  Select options that are light on the cheese and sour cream, but heavy on the vegetables.

Vitamin Or Mineral Deficiencies 

It’s important to have a varied and balanced diet to ensure your body receives essential vitamins and minerals.  With a limited diet, especially one high in processed foods, you’re likely not getting adequate nutrients without a supplement.

Low levels of vitamin D, B vitamins, magnesium, and zinc can cause fatigue.  At your next physical or well visit, ask your doctor to run a blood test to check your levels.  Knowing your numbers can help you know what specific foods to add to your diet.

Iron deficiency anemia is another common culprit of chronic low energy levels. It’s a condition in which the body can’t produce enough red blood cells and as a result, your blood can’t carry oxygen to other parts of your body as easily.  Iron deficiency anemia can also develop due to other causes such as blood loss, heavy endurance training, Crohn’s disease, untreated Celiac disease, or irritation of the gut lining due to chronic use of certain medications like ibuprofen.  If you’re concerned that you’re anemic, then have your doctor check your labs.

Remember, one of the best ways to prevent deficiencies is to eat a healthy, varied diet.

Potential Medical Causes

In addition to lifestyle factors, chronic fatigue can be a sign that something medically is going on.  Fatigue and low energy levels are possible symptoms of several conditions, including diabetes, sleep apnea, low thyroid levels, and congestive heart failure.  If you’re concerned about a drop in energy, talk to a healthcare provider.  You know you’re body best, so if something feels off you’re probably right!

The Bottom Line

Fatigue is complex and it’s best to work on improving lifestyle factors first to see if you notice improvement.  If not, it might be time to talk with your doctor for further testing and medical evaluation.  Once you get to feeling better, use the Lose It! app as both motivation and accountability for putting those new health goals into practice!

Reviewed 08/2022 by Anna Smith, RDN

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