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Why Your Support System Is Key to Weight Loss, Plus How to Build One

Having a support system can be a game-changer for weight loss. Here are a few different types, along with expert-backed tips to help you succeed.

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Weight loss can often be a long and challenging process, filled with ups and downs — but you don’t need to face it alone. In fact, research suggests having more people in your corner can help you stay motivated (1) and set you up for long-term success (2). Here’s a closer look at how having a strong support system can help you lose weight, plus a few ideas on how you can build your own.

How Support Systems Help With Weight Loss

If weight loss is your goal, having a solid support system in place can be a game changer. Whether you need an extra push to make it to the gym or are looking for a healthy eating partner to swap recipes with, having a community you can turn to can make weight loss much less stressful. “Groups, coaching, and support provide accountability, motivation, and a sense of belonging that keep you on track,” says Chrissy Arsenault, a registered dietitian nutritionist at Athletic Muscle.

Research also reveals the weight loss–boosting benefits of a strong support system. For instance, a two-year study found that your support system can either make or break your weight loss efforts. According to the study, having support from friends, family, and coworkers enhanced weight management, whereas having family members undermine healthy eating efforts was actually linked to greater weight gain. (3)

4 Weight Loss Support Systems and How to Make Them Work for You

Support for your weight loss journey can come from many places. Here are a few examples, with tips on how to get the support you need.

1. Friends or Family Members

“Your loved ones play a crucial role in your weight loss journey,” says Arsenault, adding that family and friends can provide encouragement and lift you up when you’re feeling discouraged or dealing with obstacles along the way. 

Arsenault notes they can also provide practical support to help you reach your goals. For instance, a family member might step up as a babysitter so you can squeeze in a quick workout or go grocery shopping. Or you could try teaming up with a friend as a workout buddy to help hold each other accountable.

“Friends and family can also support you by not sabotaging your journey … for example, [by] trying to avoid eating out when you’re trying to cook, not guilt-tripping you for not indulging, and encouraging you on your journey,” says Arsenault.

Clear communication is critical for setting up a strong support system, and it should start before you even begin your weight loss journey. Explain the reasons why you want to lose weight, whether it’s to feel better, become more confident, or take control of your health. If it feels like a loved one might be trying to derail your diet (intentionally or not), don’t hesitate to set boundaries and say no to any activities that may take you off track from achieving your goals.

Also, keep in mind that some family or friends might feel guarded or judged for making less healthy choices or not being as proactive about their health. Be mindful to come across as accepting, nonjudgmental, and nonthreatening when communicating your goals. Often, serving as a quiet example can be the most effective way to influence others to follow your lead.

2. Online Forums

Plenty of apps, such as Lose It!, and online forums aimed at weight loss can help you connect with other members who share a similar set of goals. In addition to providing helpful resources — such as recipes, meal plans, and workout tips — they can be a great source of advice. Plus, science backs up the benefits of these online platforms; according to one study, the nonjudgmental support that forums provide also helps with weight loss. (4)

Most online forums are free, fast, and easy to join. After signing up, be sure to check out the rules and guidelines before posting. Then, introduce yourself and don’t be afraid to engage, ask questions, and start new discussions. Being open and honest can help you make the most of these online communities while making meaningful connections with other members.

3. Support Groups

Support groups can build and strengthen healthy habits, and they also help motivate you to reach your goals. Plus, they’re usually facilitated by professionals or a group of peers and are often in-person, which may make it easier to build and foster relationships with others in your area who are in the same boat. Who knows? You might even find your next gym buddy or accountability partner at your next session.

Look for groups in your area or check your local weight loss clinic to see if they offer any support groups. Be sure to pick a group with a time and location that you’ll be able to attend consistently and consider whether you’d be more comfortable with a group that caters to a certain demographic, such as a group specifically for women or people within a specific age bracket.

Once you’ve found a group that works for you, it’s time to head to your first meeting! Remember that your support group should be a safe space to share your struggles, celebrate your successes, and brainstorm solutions to any hurdles you might be facing. While it might take some time, stepping out of your comfort zone and being vulnerable can ensure you have the best experience possible.

4. Weight Loss Professionals

According to Kelsey Costa, RDN, a nutrition research consultant for Consumer Health Digest, professional support “brings a critical element of expertise, offering personalized guidance based on scientific insights and years of professional experience.” 

Costa says that dietitians can develop individualized nutrition plans that are realistic and sustainable, while physicians can monitor your health and ensure that your weight loss journey remains safe. Plus, other professionals, such as personal trainers, can give you detailed guidance on exercises or workout routines to help you meet your goals. Hiring a wellness coach certified by a reputable organization can also be an effective strategy to help improve your health and reach your goals.

Many weight loss professionals offer video or phone consultations so you can make sure it’s a good fit before you fully commit. You can also ask for recommendations from family and friends to find a provider or scope out some online reviews before booking. 

Costa suggests looking for professionals who are registered and recognized by reputable health and fitness organizations. In fact, many groups, such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, even offer a free tool to search for accredited nutrition experts in your area.

The Bottom Line

Although weight loss is a personal journey, having a solid support system can make it much easier. Beyond recruiting friends and family to help you along the way, you can also find support through many online forums and in-person groups. Teaming up with a trusted healthcare professional can also make a world of difference by identifying potential roadblocks hindering your weight loss efforts and offering recommendations to maximize your results.

“Remember, having a support system can make the path to weight loss smoother and more sustainable,” says Arsenault. “Don’t be afraid to lean on others for encouragement and guidance along the way.”

Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking

  1. Dicker D, Alfadda A, Coutinho W, et al. Patient Motivation to Lose Weight: Importance of Healthcare Professional Support, Goals, and Self-Efficacy. European Journal of Internal Medicine. February 5, 2021.
  2. Wang ML, Pbert L, Lemon, SC. The Influence of Family, Friend, and Coworker Social Support and Social Undermining on Weight Gain Prevention Among Adults. Obesity. September 2014.
  3. Ibid.
  4. Reading JM, Buhr KJ, Stuckey HL. Social Experiences of Adults Using Online Support Forums to Lose Weight: A Qualitative Content Analysis. Health Education & Behavior. November 19, 2019.

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