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Three Traits to Rate When Hiring a Personal Trainer

Hiring a personal trainer can be a helpful step on the journey to reach your goals. There are some things to consider before making such a large personal and financial commitment, though. If you’re motivated to move but need a little extra push, follow these three steps to find the perfect trainer. 


There are many choices when it comes to becoming certified as a personal trainer. While some certifications require little more than a few hours over a weekend, others require in-person instruction or even a degree to be considered for the exam. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) are examples of top tier personal training certifications. Trainers with certifications requiring more in-depth studying are more likely to have the breadth of knowledge required to personalize programming to suit your goals and needs. Many gyms post a biography of each trainer on staff, including which certifications they hold, on the wall or on their website. If you’re unable to easily find certification information, you can always ask the Fitness Manager or the trainers themselves which ones they have.

Listening Skills

The ability to put together a coherent, long term training program is an important skill for any personal trainer. However, the ability to actively listen to what you want as a client is perhaps more important. With easy access to exercises and training protocols via the internet, it isn’t difficult to put together a workout that will get you sweating and burn some calories.

Not everyone needs an exhausting workout, though. You may be looking to improve mobility, decrease chronic pain, recover from an injury, or any number of goals that do not include a heart-pounding routine. Your trainer’s ability to listen to your concerns, fears, and goals can mean the difference between a series of generic workouts and a comprehensive program, designed to meet your needs. Be sure that your trainer is willing to be patient and understanding, as you’re in for a long-term relationship with this person.

Interaction with Clients

One step that can help you narrow down which trainer is right for you is taking notice of his or her interaction with their current clients. If a trainer looks bored and disengaged with existing clients, chances are they will not be attentive to you either. Take notice of time spent chatting between sets. While friendly conversation is common between trainers and clients, spending five to ten minutes chatting between each set will eat up the short time you have with your trainer, and won’t keep you on the path to achieving your goals. Conversely, watch out for dismissiveness. If a trainer is unwilling to listen when a client tells him or her that they are in pain or overwhelmed, you could wind up having a negative experience with them as well. This certainly doesn’t mean that you need to follow the trainers in your gym around, staring at them. But an occasional glance in their direction can reveal a surprising amount of information about their training style.

Why Hire a Personal Trainer?

A personal trainer will customize the right workout for your specific needs. Another added bonus is that he or she will mix things up for you so you don’t get bored with any one routine. It’s important to find out what kind of certification a trainer has, so that you can be sure you’re getting quality help. Trainers should also be willing to listen to your goals, needs, and concerns. A trainer who is uninterested in you, as an individual, may not be equipped to provide the services you’re looking for. Finally, it’s a good idea to take notice of the way trainers interact with their current clients, so that you can get an idea of the way they may interact with you.

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