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8 Simple Ways to Add More Vegetables this Holiday Season

When it comes to the holiday season, we often focus on what we shouldn’t eat or should eat less of. And let’s be honest, being told what not to eat can take some of the joy out of this time of year.

So, instead of yet another post about what not to eat, I figured it’d be a nice change of pace to talk about what to eat more of … vegetables.

Vegetables are important sources of essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function properly.

They’re also rich in plant compounds like antioxidants, which can help protect us against chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Some even help protect our eyesight.

But that’s not all. Vegetables are also high in fiber and low in calories, making them a great way to add volume to your plate. 

And while eating more veggies is a goal many of us have year-round, I find it to be particularly helpful during the holidays when most of the traditional dishes we eat are higher in carbs and fat.

Not sure how to start? Below are some tips and holiday-worthy recipe ideas for incorporating more vegetables into your diet during the holiday season! 

1. Start at breakfast

Why wait until lunch or dinner to get veggies in when they go so well in breakfast foods too? 

Whether you’re needing a quick, healthy meal to power you through your day or are preparing a larger meal for the whole family, there are several ways to incorporate more vegetables at breakfast: 

2. Set out vegetable-based snacks and appetizers 

Whether you’re at a holiday party or having relatives over to visit, chances are if there are snacks or appetizers set out, you’ll eat them. And unfortunately, these hors d’oeuvres are typically not vegetables. 

Instead of grazing on carb-heavy appetizers all afternoon or evening, try to set out (or bring) a few veggie-packed options instead. 

Veggie trays with a homemade Greek yogurt dip are always an easy go-to.

However, there are plenty of vegetable-forward recipes to try if you feel like spending a little extra time in the kitchen: 

Of course, snacking isn’t something only done during holiday festivities. For more “normal” days during the holidays, try keeping some easy vegetable snacks on hand, such as: 

  • Steamed edamame (I buy a big bag of frozen ones). 
  • Celery sticks with peanut butter. 
  • Baby carrots, cucumber slices, or mini bell peppers with hummus. 
  • Leftover roasted vegetables. 
  • Leftover salad. 

3. Set out several veggie side dishes 

Regardless of the holiday, most side dishes that we all look forward to are carb-focused.

While there’s nothing wrong with enjoying these traditional favorites, also make sure that there are a few (yes, more than one) vegetable-focused sides to pick from as well. 

Some healthy vegetable side dishes include: 

Of course, a big bowl of roasted vegetables is always a safe and easy bet too.

4. Use half vegetable noodles 

I don’t know about you, but my half-Italian husband feels strongly that lasagna should be a part of every holiday celebration.

And while pasta dishes are typically loaded with cheese and meats, they’re super easy to incorporate vegetables into. 

If you plan on having pasta, either as part of your festivities or for an easy meal for the night after, one way to up the veggies is by using half vegetable noodles: 

  • Slice zucchini thin and alternate layers of regular lasagna noodles with your zucchini “noodles.” 
  • Use a spiralizer to make zucchini or sweet potato noodles. While you can go all-in, I like to use half regular noodles and half veggie ones. From spaghetti to pad thai, this simple swap is an easy way to sneak in more vegetables. 
  • You can also buy pre-spiralized veggie noodles in the produce section of many grocery stores. 

5. Try cauliflower alternatives 

As delicious as roasted cauliflower is, this white veggie is a versatile way to add extra fiber and nutrients to your meals. 

Here are some ways to incorporate cauliflower into your holiday season meals: 

  • Make, or buy, cauliflower gnocchi and toss it with spinach pesto or your family’s favorite sauce. 
  • Swap out traditional pizza crust with a homemade or store-bought cauliflower crust. For extra credit, top your crust with even more vegetables. Option to add a lean protein, like grilled chicken, cooked ground turkey, or roasted tofu.
  • Rice cauliflower in a food processor, or buy it frozen, and use it in place of rice in your favorite side dish or casserole.  
  • Make mashed potatoes with half potatoes and half cauliflower.

6. Sneak veggies into sauces 

Whether you have picky eaters or are just looking for more creative ways to add vegetables to your diet, sauces are a great way to do it: 

7. Add shredded vegetables to meatballs or meatloaf 

As they’re so easy to make and a crowd-pleaser, my family almost always makes meatballs and/or meatloaf during the holiday season. 

One of my favorite tricks for making these ground meat dishes a bit healthier is adding shredded vegetables like zucchini, carrots, or spinach into the mix.

Finely diced mushrooms are also delicious and keep the texture meaty. 

8. Make leftover salads rather than sandwiches 

Raise your hand if you make sandwiches using your Thanksgiving leftovers. 

No doubt delicious, to add more vegetables into your diet, swap the bread and add your leftovers on top of a big bed of leafy greens. 

And this doesn’t just apply to Thanksgiving. Regardless of the holiday, any leftover proteins, roasted vegetables, and even carbohydrate-rich sides can work to create a delicious filling salad. 

The bottom line 

While you’re enjoying all the wonderful foods associated with the holiday season, don’t forget to also get your servings of vegetables in during the day.

From breakfast all the way up to dinner, there are plenty of ways to incorporate more veggies into your festivities. 

And don’t forget to use your Lose It! App to help keep you on track with your vegetable goals! 

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